My 2nd time out

Calico Jack

Jr. Member
Sep 20, 2005
Los Angeles
Detector(s) used
Ace 350
The following is an account of my second day MDing. It is intended to be good natured, like me.

After my last experience,21072.0.html, I knew I had nowhere to go but up. I still set my expectations low, in the hope of exceeding them.

This time, I decided to try some of the parks that I enjoyed in my younger, shorter, lighter days. I drove to the lovely city of Placentia (A Pleasant Place), and first visited Goldenrod Park. I found the playground area, and began my search. I sectioned it off so I would not miss anything, and started to walk. The sand was easy to dig, but I didn't find much. Three rusty nails. On top of one of the picnic tables, I found a plastic party-favor type deputy sheriff badge. I pocketed it, figuring that at least I found something.

I gave up on Goldenrod when I found the grass areas overgrown and a pain to dig. As I returned to my car, I heard a woman yelling something every few seconds. I turned and saw her on the other side of the park. She yelled to me and asked if I had seen a Golden Retriever. I told her no. Unfortunately, my detector has not yet discovered gold, retriever or otherwise.

I continued to the second park, Parque del Arroyo Verde Grande or some such name. There used to be a kind of lake and stream there, where my friends and I used to hunt for crawfish. This was gone, and the park had been redone. Now, there was a playground area with woodchips where the lake had been. I began my search, and discovered that there must have been some sort of Hershey Kiss eating festival over the weekend. Foil all over the place.

I found some wire, a pull tab, an airsoft pellet which fell out of my bag and rolled into oblivion somewhere in my apartment, a piece of jagged metal, and some tinsel.

I was about ready to call it quits when I heard a car pull up and the sound of young persons. There was a minivan in the parking lot, and a woman with three small children were preparing to add more candy foil to my search area. I knew I had to act quickly if I was going to find something of value. I began to search more rapidly, haphazardly, like a student filling in random bubbles on a test as time expires.

The gods of detecting heard my desperate pleas, and sent me a gift. My ACE read copper, 2" down. A penny perhaps? Imagine my excitement. Underneath some chips, I found a copper oval. I picked it up and examined it more closely. One of those souvenir tokens you get when you put a penny and two quarters in a machine, and the penny comes back out flat and warm. One side read "Madonna Inn" and had some carriages and lanterns and whatnot on it. I was heartened! An object of interest!

The first child approached, and remarked, "Mom! Look at the guy with the magic thing that finds stuff! What's he looking for?"

Mom said, "It's a metal detector. It finds metal. He is making sure the park is safe." Yes, that's me. Calico Jack, hero. Ensuring children are safe from tetanus shots, once a week. I told her the park was quite safe today. Another child asked Mom, "How does it find metal?" Mom looked at me. Hell if I know. We shared the look that adults give each other when a child asks a question we should know the answer to, but don't. She made something up that sounded reasonable enough to the child. I packed it up, and gave her the deputy badge to give to one of the kids.

Back at Calico Jack's Fortress of Park Safety (my apartment), I looked up the Madonna Inn. San Luis Obispo, California. "The Madonna Inn is a garish, but good natured, theme-driven inn," according to a travel site. Well known for its unusual urinals.

I am proud to have such a piece in my new collection. I actually found something that doesn't go in the garbage. Someday, I hope to find a coin or something! ;D

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for Episode 3, Calico Jack's third trip, when I am sure I will locate vast sums of something.

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Calico Jack said:
I turned and saw her on the other side of the park.? She yelled to me and asked if I had seen a Golden Retriever.? I told her no.? Unfortunately, my detector has not yet discovered gold, retriever or otherwise.

HaHaHa! Great story, Jack! Happy Hunting!

Great story and neat finds!! I like listening to the comments some people say when there kids ask what im doing, one person once told their kid i was hunting for shells! i have heard them say all kinds of crazy things...some say "oh hes looking for pirate treasure!" i dont think people understand how hard it is to find treasure! and it doesnt come in huge sums, but in small finds daily over the course of years :) That penny is neat!

Excellent post Calico Jack! And your first keeper find is better than mine was (a crusty old penny), so keep at it. That ACE250 of yours is a real coin vacuum. Are you hunting in All Metal mode? If so, as a beginner, try switching it to coin mode. In coin mode, most of the aluminum junk will be discriminated out, and also all of the rusty nails. Try getting used to it in coin mode, and then later on, switch over to all metal once your used to the sounds it makes. Best of luck to you Jack!

Jack, Jack, Jack...... Once again you've made me laugh until I cried. I don't care if you find anything good, just keep writing these funny stories.

Actually, I can't wait til you find something good so I can read about it. Good Luck!

treasurekidd said:
Are you hunting in All Metal mode? If so, as a beginner, try switching it to coin mode. In coin mode, most of the aluminum junk will be discriminated out, and also all of the rusty nails. Try getting used to it in coin mode, and then later on, switch over to all metal once your used to the sounds it makes.

Thanks for the advice, Treasurekidd, but if not for litter and construction materials, I wouldn't find anything. Besides, I'm there to keep the park safe.

haupin said:
Jack, Jack, Jack...... Once again you've made me laugh until I cried.? I don't care if you find anything good, just keep writing these funny stories.

Consider it done. Glad you enjoy my tales of adventure and intrigue.

ROFLMAO!!!!!! A most excellent story Jack! It makes all the pull tabs and nails I dig almost sound like an adventure! Keep 'em coming!



You got a keeper and you didn't post a picture!!!!

Loved the story! Keep 'em coming and it'll keep me laughing!!

Just love all the witty writers here!!!

Nana ;)

Yep, great story, and WTG!!! on the penny/token...
Those urinals looks like something I could have used back on some of my older Saturday nights... ;D
Good luck & Happy hunting~

Very funny story, you may have missed your calling as a journalist. Keep us posted and good luck will come your way, I am sure of it.

Nana40 said:
? You got a keeper and you didn't post a picture!!!!

Well, Nana, there's a good reason for that.? The only camera I have is the one in my phone.? It doesn't do very well.? The best shot I could get makes it appear that I found a football.? You just can't see all of the fine, quality details that cannot be denied to such an incredible item.


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Great story! ;DLots of funnys.Keep it up and HH

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