My 1st of hopefully many....and...this is addictive!


Aug 5, 2005
Kind of a long story short....

Two days ago I had absolutely no interest in coin collecting, metal detecting or treasure hunting of any sort. Well, yesterday I had my truck in for service at my dealership. While I was waiting I went for a short walk around the dealership. There was a crew of landscapers there and they just had a load of loam delivered. I was just looking at the loam and I saw an object in it. I picked it up and low and behold it turned out to be a 1830 Coronet One in this gentlemans thread:,18243.0.html

Well, I have been researching the net all day on your great hobby. I just ordered a Whites metal detector and plan to give it a try.

Was it this addictive to all you experienced treasure hunters? I have been bit...BAD!

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Greetings MH,

You have no idea just how addicting this hobby can be! Everytime I go out there's always one more signal to dig or one more spot to look.

You have definately started off with a bang, so please don't get discouraged when you first start swinging. Most folks can go a long, long time before they find anything more than modern coinage (clad) and lots and lots of junk. I would without a doubt hit that lot you made the find in, there's bound to be something more there!

Congrats on your marvelous find, and try to get a pic up when you can, we love the pics.

Welcome aboard and HH!

i agree with kev about not getting discouraged. i litarrally had to dig a coffee can of clad coins before i found 1 mercury dime! of course i have found some jewelry and other fun stuff along the way!this hobby IS very addicting and even finding clad coins can be a lot of fun. which detector did you get?

WTG!!! You've found something great just by keeping your eyes to the ground! That's better than a lot of us have done in a couple of years of detecting. I've only been detecting since January and have yet to find anything that great. Welcome to the forum and to your new, I mean hobby!


Yes it's addictive and there is no 12 step program to get you off it. So once you'r hooked there is no turning back. Happy hunting and welcome to the brouther/sister hood.

Welcome to the addiction. You don't have a clue yet how bad it'll get until you actually start using your new detector.

Which one did you order? Be persistant and learn your machine. Try to download the manual on their website and read it over and over while your waiting for it to be delivered.

HH 8) surfrat

Welcome, Hack! This is a great hobby and a great forum. You will learns tons from these posts.

1: Just remember that there's a lot of garbage we have to dig to get the good stuff.

2: Research, read, and question. Go to the library, find old maps, question people about old houses, old picnic areas, etc.

3: Learn your machine. It will take some time.

4: Once you enter treasurenet, you can't ever leave. We're your new best friends. ;)

You didnt ask those landscapers where they got the loam from did you??Just a thought H.H. ....JO

Welcome MH to a great hobby and a great forum ! It's been said that there will be a lot of trash to dig. But don't get discouraged. As you learn your detector, the good finds will come. The thrill to me is what good find might be hiding in that next hole ! Have fun and Good Luck in the future !

Huntin' 59er

Thanks everyone....

I picked up a Whites MXT. Seeme like a good price plus they threw in a few options like headset and scoop.

I did ask where the loam came from. There was a language barrier between the 2 of us but I believe he said most loam comes from farm fields. I am surprised because I know it was screened loam and this was right on top of the pile. I wondered if one of them found it and discarded it as junk. One mans junk another gold I guess.

I cant wait to get out there!

Welcome Welcome Welcome: addict no not me...........fanatic would be a better word............My wife says I'm unbearable if I don't get out and use the detector...........She says "go dig something, anything - your driving me nuts...out you go) :o

Not only are we addicted to collecting coins and metal detecting we are addicted to this forum!

Great find!

Keep @ it and HH!!

The encouragement for newbies is here at treasurenet; just look at how many times this post was viewed. Good luck with the new MXT!!

Hey good eye!
You will find even the people that think it is stupid
Change there tune when the Coins and jewelry surface.
Funny thing about GOLD.
You will not be able to stop thinking about it when you start.
That next dig..That next find.
It is allot of fun, my wife scoffed at first and now she's right out there with me...
Go Figure......
Good Luck
Happy Hunting

WELCOME - this is a great forum - i have learned allot - so will you - Leftybassplayer

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