Mt.Vernon. ..Buried bag of Silver

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
In 1921 ,The South Town Bank in Dade County had just opened for the days business. W.L. Ferguson or "Uncle bill" as he was known best to the locals, was the cashier on duty. Across town a stranger visited Virgil Henry's garage,where he arranged to have a car gassed and ready for him to drive to Lockwood, after 'he went to get some cash from the bank". Before heading to the bank the stranger visited several stores and then ate a leisurely early lunch at the South Side Hotel. Upon entering the bank,he waited while Uncle Bill waited on two customers and after they left ,he flashed a pistol and demanded the banks money. Uncle Bill calmly told the robber that he had been expecting him,to which the robber was puzzled.Uncle Bill went on to explain that the local banks had been warned of a robber in the area. The bandit took his time and filled his cowhide bag with 200 in cash and then emptied the silver from the drawer..approximately 700.00 worth. After locking Uncle Bill in the vault, the bandit walked to the garage where the owner had the car fueled and raring to go. The owner,Mr.Henry served as the only town constable and also had his small grandson,Herbert Henry with him for the ride.
They had only gone a short distance when the robber again flashed his pistol and ordered the driver to change course south,towards Miller. In the meantime,with the help of passersby who had heard his yelling,Uncle Bill had been let out of the vault and had alerted authorities in Miller and Lockwood. But the bandit had detoured Miller and headed toward Mt Vernon. A couple of miles south of Mt Vernon ,the car blew a tire and the bandit took his bag and fled into a small stand of timber.,leaving behind a small bag containing a blue serge suit and shoes. Before leaving he paid the constable 10.00 and even asked to hire him for a job the following week for a bootleg whiskey transport in Aurora.
The case has never been solved. It is thought that the robber buried the silver shortly after departure as it weighed about 35 lbs. and then made his way to the railroad tracks and hopped the train for either Joplin or Springfield.
So ..if you are an adventurous soul...somewhere just out of Mt Vernon is possibly a buried bag of silver waiting to be found.

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