Mr Bills Mods? Somebody Info Please.

I've owned a couple of Classics with the Mods... External knob for the threshold, and
ground balance... A tweak for extra depth is made internally.. But on the 2 that I've
owned, I saw no real depth increase at all... That being said, I like the mods on the
Whites Classic III, but not as much on the ID models... Once you adjust your threshold
internally to you liking and the GB to your soil.... There is not a lot of adjusting that
needs to be done on a Classic... And on the ID models, if you move the GB much from the pre-set
mark, which is slightly positive from the factory, the ID will be effected...
I'm not saying you can't adjust it some, but if you require a lot of adjustment, your meter will
not read correctly...

Hope this helps, Happy Hunting, Jeff

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