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NICE JOB are you going to put that chest in the ground H H

here is a chest i built in the long winter here up in New Hampshire it will hold up too $200 in clad its almost full


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Hi Floater. That coin/token in the bottom left corner above the key - it looks like something that I have found. Can you describe it for me. Matt

Floater that's a neat chest you've got there. Where did you get it?

I find chewed up coins all the time, they go into a roll with the rest. Let the bank figure out what to do with it!!!

That tie clip looks pretty old.

Matt thats just the Back of a memorial with the light hitting it.

I got the Chest @ at the home goods store. They have all kinds for 14.95 LOL

Free I give enough to charity. My accountant is still bitchin at me for this year telling me I give to much. But I feel all warm and fuzzy I tell
He says you want to feel all warm and fuzzy give your wife a BMW . I said I did that Too, Didn't help. He calls back ten minutes later and says. How much tax did you pay on the car. I said 2800 bucks. He says Good I can write that off this year, new rules. I said, That makes me feel warm and fuzzy too. He hung Up on me.LOL

Thanks Gang HH

Did you say Vegas Dano!! ROADTRIP LETS GO. LOL I do have to get there. The wife went without me . Now she wants to go back . I said you didnt even gamble . She said I know but The shows are great. I'm rolling my eyes going I knew she was a cheap date when I married here but God bless her now. LOL

That is a way cool treasure chest in a far out groovy and pirate-ish kind of way, at least thats what Greg Brady may have said. That chest looks like it may have contained opium at one time. lol! No that is cool I want one. You gave me a great idea. Im going to get a chest and put all my finds into it like you have. And one day if I make it to a ripe old age, im going to burry it in the hills somwheres,, make a treasure map, symbols on the rocks and the whole nine yards. Heck maybe ill even find a cave and die with it lol. Just think it would be cool for some future treasure hunters to find. Floater could carve some big headphones out of a rock to mark his treasure. Anyways cool finds and WAY cool chest, where did you happen upon it? Have a good one man and go digg-ina-godda-davita, maybe youll find something cool ;D

Floater, if you really need to feel all warm and fuzzy, ol'Leon, your buddy, your pal,? could use the money... ;) ;D
Very cool treasure chest! I found a site with your emblem, looks like it maybe from around 1970, 71, and it is from a Cadillac. 3rd emblem from the bottom of this page:
Good Luck & Happy Hunting~

My dad had a '71 Sedan DeVille (what a monster car) and that was exactly what the emblem looked like. When he traded it in, he happened to do it without taking all my Hotwheels off the back dash (they drove him nuts whenever he'd turn a corner). Man I wish I still had those...

rtde3 said:
Cool chest! Looks like the dime was in a blender more than a mower! HH

Geez ya think rtde ? I would hate to think someone screwed up the Margarita Maker with a lousy Dime. LOL

I hear Ya MineLab. did you get out to dig up the yard and concrete yet? Inquiring Minds want to know.

SUP ! I like that chest too, its cool 15 bucks i want one, what store? find out an email address or name of company!

Tammahawk and Free, Reilly's Treasured Gold has all types of treasure chests for sale. I think the one Floater has is the first one pictured and is a few more dollars. Here's the link:

Copy and paste and click on the tab for the treasure chest. He also carries and manufactures some nice beach/sand scoops. HH 8)

cool chests thanks for the info! ;D the sand scoops that are there ,whew a little pricey for a scoop,125.00 and up for sand scoops,

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