More Forbidden Archaeology (?)

ok, this is interesting, but I'm highly skeptical because I followed the links and looked at pictures of sandstone formations I see all the time. Natural formations. AND because the home site of this article is filled with sensational, type conspiracy theories. I have no doubt that cover ups happen, and they seem to happen alot in the world of archeology because it's not an area your average citizen wanders into, but this is my home state, and so I'm curious. Sandstone and the elements can do some awsome looking things that you think can't have just happened naturally, but they do. I hope some rock people look at the pictures and weigh in here.

Uniface, you have my upmost respect, but I notice you put a question mark in the title of this post. What do you think about this?


I just find 'em, NG. If they look promising, I post them.

It's up to you what they are.

I would, however, note that, if there were no program in place behind the scenes to get rid of evidence contradicting the official dogma, why was Kennewick Man re-buried ?

I do think some may try to cover up the truth because it doesn't fit the agenda. Some may institute a program, but I also believe the truth will win out, however it arrives. ALL ideas should be examined, just because some things are a conspiracy, others are not. Keep posting 'em uniface! Man's quest for truth is always thought provoking. :icon_scratch:


Eight feet tall and six digits on their hands and feet? This guy writes a very interesting article, but it also says his wife signed privacy papers, but then he talks about her discoveries. Very intersting and thanks uniface.

Relevant (IMO) :

"For several years, the Falls of the Ohio Museum had an exhibit about the find that displayed several casts of both sides of the two originals . . . McCormick has informed me that the exhibit has recently been removed from public display, because the Museum belongs to the state of Indiana, and the exhibit conflicted with the state's archaeological policy that there is no documented evidence of pre-Columbian contacts."

Hello Gary & team,
You ask why archaeological sites and significant information is being hidden by government the US and elsewhere around the world? I suppose one could write a whole book on the probable answers to that question, but in the end it would all boil down to "power & control". The eradication of archaeological sites & artifacts is most certainly going on in the Australia/ New Zealand region, where "concealment teams" are being employed to both destroy or seal away from sight any traces of anomalous discoveries. In the last few years the New Zealand teams have removed/ buried/ concealed: A trilithon/ obelisk arrangement, composed of about 5 component sets, from the Wairaki area of New Zealand's central North Island. The "Artiamuri Stones", registered by Captain Mair in the 1800's and described by him as the 2nd most significant site he'd seen in New Zealand...these were, seemingly, pushed into a river by a "Forestry Department" bulldozer. A number of burial caves containing large stature skeletons with red, brown & blond hair. These skeletal remains are a most unwelcome find, as the ancient individuals were very definitely of Indo-European ethnic origin. Platted samples of their red or brown hair used to be on display at the Auckland Museum...but have long since been removed from public scrutiny. An ancient stone jetty on a northern river estuary. A beautifully hollowed out and fashioned communal dwelling/ assembly area in a limestone cliff. This was at Castlehill in New Zealand's South Island. A friend who revisited it in recent weeks found that the entranceway had been collapsed...undoubtedly by explosives. These few examples represent some of the skullduggery going on, officially, to throw a spanner in the works of normal scholastic pursuit within the confines of New Zealand. A gentleman named Tristan Rankin, who runs the Australian web site: complains about similar clandestine, insidious "concealment team" interference in Australian archaeological endeavors. A friend of mine, in recent years, had a long talk with a New Zealand girl called Lisa Kerr. She'd done extensive traveling, like many young New Zealanders, who head out on their traditional OE (overseas excursion).

Lisa, amongst several jobs she got around the world, worked for a while with the New Mexico Park's Department. During her term of employment there was a big "washout" in one of the Park regions and I'm assuming it was up in Pueblo country around Taos. The flash flood scoured out embankments and in doing so a large number of anomalous skeletons were exposed. Lisa and her colleagues were assigned the task of gathering up the remains and placing them into crates. Also in attendance at the site were Smithsonian Institute officials and FBI agents.

Each day as Lisa and the other Park's Department employees went onto the site, they were searched for cameras. Similarly they were searched as they left the site each day to make sure they weren't removing artifacts. They were also obliged to sign "secrecy documents" ensuring that they would never divulge details of their participation in this undertaking. The reason for this degree of secrecy stems from the fact that the skeletons were of people who were about 8 feet tall. They had six fingers on each hand and six toes per foot. They also had a strange, double row arrangement of teeth.

The crates containing the recovered remains, at the termination of work, were taken away by the Smithsonian officials and, undoubtedly, will never be seen again. Strangely enough, there is a report of two similar skulls having been found in New Zealand's far north around the beginning of the 20th century. Lisa later had official "hassles" when trying to come home to New Zealand and was severely grilled by US government functionaries as she attempted to depart from the US.

Note that these same eight-foot skelatons, with reddish-blonde hair and double rows of teeth were dug out of mounds in the 19th century and donated to the Smithsonian Institution. This is documented in a number of County Histories. The Smithsonian, today, claims to have never seen them.

Incidentally, the gold refinery account the web page opens with is another example.

There is simply too much of this, extending too far back into the past practices of official archaeology to doubt that the smoke is coming from fire.

Uniface--back in the late 1970's/early 1980's my grandpa was looking for arrowheads. He came across a human skull :o that had apparently washed out of the creek bank. Well he bagged that thing up in a trash bag and took it to the police. The county sheriff had grandpa show him where he found it and there was a write up in the local newspaper about it. Grandpa said that was an awful experience! The sheriff questioned him and questioned him about it. The skull was sent to Gilcrease(I think) to be examined. Come to find out it was over 100 years old and a female Native American. Grandpa called again about a month later and asked them what they were going to do with it? would it be put on display or reburied? and they told him they no longer had it because "it fell off the truck" :dontknow:.
After reading this post, I wonder about the skull grandpa found and why "it fell off the truck" so to speak?
Thanks for all the research you do and these posts you come up with, uniface!

For everyone to give a little input. Lets say you are out walking a creek and stumble across an eight foot skeleton with 6 digits or anything sacred and ancient, do you contact someone (police, government) and Who? I would just like to know because you never know what you may find/

Cool post, uniface. Why do they always think anything out of the expected norm could not be the work of indigenous people, so therefore we would have needed the help of European explorers before Columbus, who were obviously way more smarter than us?

There is no real mystery about Kennewick man, is there?

He changed the truth about the real "NATIVES" - and we just cannot have that.


Hi guys. I don't mean to steer away from the current line of thought, but, just to play devil's advocate and to return to the first link, here is a link to pictures of Oklahoma rock formations that I see all the time. There are leading questions under the pictures. I don't believe they are hand carved rocks, I think they are nature carved rocks. What do you think about the pictures in this link?


You'd probably have to go there and see them. But the evidence of fire and smelting (if it was going on) would be pretty suggestive.

A fragment of the "wall" was sent to the University of Massachusetts' Department of Natural Sciences for evaluation. The University sliced a portion of the rock and carefully analyzed the composition of each layer. They also subjected the rock to x-ray analysis and tested it for radiation. The results showed no anomalies that would be inconsistent with a natural formation of quartz and iron oxide. There was no radiation and no apparent signs of being carved or fabricated in any way.

I found this about the stone wall in a wierd science blog. I wish it were true, that there was a smelter or man-made something there. And I don't even know if the above paragraph is valid, since one must be wary of things found on the internet.

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