Montana Bear Tragedy


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
This is a very sad story about a bear...

Everybody should heed the warnings not to feed
wildlife because they become dependent and don't
forage for themselves any longer.

It is such a tragedy to see what has been done to
our country's wildlife.

The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is
beginning to affect U.S. wildlife.

Liberal Bear.webp

Animals that formerly were self-sufficient are now
showing signs of belonging to the Democrat Party.
They have apparently learned to just sit and wait
for the government to step in and provide for their
care and sustenance.

This photo is of a black bear in Montana turned Democrat.
He's nicknamed Bearack Obearma.

It is believed that he has become a campground organizer.

I need one of those smilies with tape over it's mouth...

good photograph...all animals' are democrats...ask the herd on my front porch...

I need one of those smilies with tape over it's mouth...

good photograph...all animals' are democrats...ask the herd on my front porch...

How true, started feeding birds and squirrels, now I'm feeding generations of free loaders that wait around for me to feed them, and then they crap on the car and all over the outdoor furniture.

Hence.....ACORN............the ultimate in government caregiving.............closest thing to military service for Obama.

I think conscription is the answer to most of the problems in the us today...
the one thing I learned in the military, is there are so many citizens of the US who just flat don't think like I do...but we all did our part...
boils down to respect, even when the other guy is so off the wall...

draft them all...dress right dress...lots of pushups...
clean the streets, trim the forests, rebuild our infrastructure...don't need wars to keep them busy...two years of living an working with people not like those you were brought up with...
so that is my political view...end of story.

that bear sure looks comfortable...oh waitress!!!

I still believe every single male should be required to serve 2 years in military, yes including my son.......

You know what the ironic thing this point in time I have no idea if I am a liberal or a conservative.

I would amend TH's statement to say that every person should serve two years. Lets drop the double standard folks. In Israel both men and women have mandatory two year service.

You know what the ironic thing this point in time I have no idea if I am a liberal or a conservative.

I would amend TH's statement to say that every person should serve two years. Lets drop the double standard folks. In Israel both men and women have mandatory two year service.

You willing to go sign your wife up..............?

You willing to go sign your wife up..............?

Well, you have to realize that mandatory service would be between the ages of 18-20. There are exemptions for mothers and the disabled. Yes, absolutely, I think my wife has just as much obligation to serve as I do. Serving does not mean being on the front lines...heck, we don't even have front lines anymore. You know what service is better then I do. The purpose of mandatory service is not to place every man in the line of fire. It is for every person to give to their country and learn the value of freedom. One does not have to be shooting a gun to do that...

LOLOL, never seems to suprise me that all our nations problems are from the politicians. Lets take a closer look shall we? Who is it that has let the politicians back in office for umpteen zillion years and continually reelects these same old dinosaurs that arr ALL in it for their own bank accounts and nothing else? Folks we have noone to blame but ourselves for letting their power mad money hungry greed schemes go for the last 40 some yrs so if you want change, then lets try something new, put some new blood in office and stop blaming the pres whomever it might be for our own short comings. We as a people need to stop all politicians from taking these reelection bribs from big buisness and then doing their bidding in stead of working for us the people, you know the people that are paying their wages! Every politician that takes so much as a penny from any buisiness is then obligated to that contributor and we as the public have allowed this to happen. So before you say the pres done this or the congress done that stop and think, who gave them the power to do it to start with??!? Just a thought for your brains.

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Dreadnox, unfortunately we are out numbered now. Our kids vote left and guys with impressive hot dogs, and then there is the recipient class, and then there are the brainless ones who would sign a petition for euthanasia of the elderly without even looking to see what they signed. And then there is no need for voter ID's...

In WWII something like 11% or our population was in the uniformed service, and the people not in the military were working in the war effort. People were buying war bonds, and food, gas, tires, wool, lots of stuff was rationed, we were all in it together, and anyone opposed better keep their mouth shut. Now only 0.45%, less than half of one percent of the population is in the uniformed service, and the vast majority of the people have no idea, not even the slightest foggiest notion of what our service members are going through, and I'd venture to guess most of them don't even care. Give the people their free phone, free medicine, free food and welfare check large enough that working doesn't pay, then give free abortion, free birth control, and plenty of pro sports and porn smut on TV to keep the people occupied instead of thinking about what's happening in real life, then throw in fraud at the top, payoffs and kick backs, and we have a liberal paradise like Detroit. Who could ask for more. Makes me want to through up my hands and quit.

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