The ringmaster
Tonight I decided to take a trip to the west of me and had plans to seach a park but when I arrived it had 2 baseball games going on and the playground was FULL of teenagers.So I decided to drive around the lake and check out an area where a swimming beach was at one time.Well low and behold,they dug that whole area up and are doing something?? there.I seen a school back off in the distance so I headed over there to give time for the ball games to end and darkness to arrive.Got over to the school and it had a huge playground.I got out of my truck to check it out a little and on the way back heard a door shut.Went around the building and seen the worker who was the only one in the building.Asked him if the School had any rules against metal detecting and he said he didn't believe so but the playground was off limits after dark.Grabbed my gear and headed over there.Was hitting coins everywhere.Found the neat mini old west pistol there.Was only able to search a small area before dark.Here a question.....I found a hair clip there made of some type of metal with what look to be diamonds in it.When I run one of them across a mirror it scratches it.The harder I push the deeper the scratch.None of my other diamond looking jewelry does this.Are these real diamonds
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