Momma gets a new diamond ring

WoW P!!!!!

Bet Momma really really loves you today!!!! :D

Congratulations on a great find....

See if she will let you take a picture of it so's we all can see it!!!! ;)

Congrats on the Diamond ring.

My wife has ended up with a couple of my rings also.

Makes it easier to go out hunting the next time though. ;)


A most excellent find!! WTG!!

Congrats on the ring. It's got to be a great feeling. I've onlu found one ring but the first thing my wife did was see if it fit her.

Another nice find! WOW! Someday I hope I find something like that. But instead of my wife getting it (Which I don't have one) ;D ;D My 7 year old daughter and I already have a deal. She gets all jewelry and I get all the pop tops and rusty nails! :-\ I think I got the shaft on this deal

The first rule in metal detecting is to keep Mama happy, regardless of the monkey business! JIM

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