MOB OF 30-50 Attack Young Man-Why No Outrage ?


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Jul 27, 2006
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No, not white on black, it was black on white.

Hummmm , I missed seeing obamas, bidens, sharptons or Jacksons public outrage on this racial attack.

Guess it isn't considered racial if victim was white. No racial profiling here....

Not much news past local news and conservative websites either ...

A giant mob of thirty to fifty black thugs brutally beat a random white male in St. Paul, Minnesota. The victim was walking past an apartment complex where a large group of young blacks were having a party. The thugs thought it would be fun to beat a random white guy nearly to death.

After he was knocked down, the mob brutally*bludgeoned*the victim with kicks. They thugs even took his pants! He was left for dead. He remains in critical condition in a local hospital.

The victim had just moved to the area to be closer to his employer.

If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the nation!

Photo Right:*Ray Widstrand (Photo courtesy of Suburban Community Channels)

The local media has been censoring hate crime mob attacks against white people for years. This one was to big to cover up. So they are downplaying it. The race of the perpetrators is never mentioned in any local media. They are called euphemisms like “youths,” “young adults,” “east side boys.”

Is it a “hate crime?’ No, it’s “man accidentally walks into a gang fight.” The victim is white and the 30 – 50*perpetrators*are all black. So it is a “hush crime.”*CBS Minnesota went on and on claiming it was a mystery why he was a attacked.*

From Twin Cities Pioneer Press…

Four young males have been arrested after the senseless, brutal beating of a man on a late-night walk Sunday on St. Paul’s East Side, police said Friday.

The victim, Ray Widstrand, 26, of St. Paul, reportedly was in critical condition at Regions Hospital with potentially fatal brain swelling.

Police found Widstrand lying on the ground, bleeding from his nose and mouth, his pants removed and shirt torn, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Ramsey County attorney’s office.

“He’s in the most difficult time right now, as far as swelling and cranial pressure. We’re in that critical time,” his father, Peter Widstrand, said.

According to the complaint, Widstrand was attacked when he tried to walk through a group of*30 to 50 juveniles and young adults fighting near Payne and Minnehaha avenues in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood about 11:30 p.m. Sunday.

His family said he had been living in a nearby apartment for about two months.

“An innocent man was walking down the street and brutally attacked by a group of youth,” said Sgt. Paul Paulos, a police spokesman. “He was out for a walk and decided to go through this group and was assaulted and knocked unconscious.”

On Friday, Ramsey County prosecutors charged Issac Maiden, 19, of St. Paul with first-degree assault, first-degree aggravated robbery and crime committed for the benefit of a gang.

This webmaster has personally called news rooms all over the country after reading articles where the race of a black crime perpetrator/s was censored in a black on white hate crime style attack.*Most news rooms will now openly admit that they are censoring the race of crime perpetrators.*Many will even admit having a policy of specifically censoring the race of black crime suspects.*Many media bosses now openly admit to and defend censoring the race of black crime perpetrators.

In the case of WYFF NBC Greenville,*they even admitted to me over the phone that they censor the race of black crime suspects, but post the race of white crime suspects who commit similar crimes.

However, the media in Wisconsin and Minnesota are the most outrageous. They aggressively censor black crime as much or more than any other market sin the nation. However, they universally vehemently deny doing it. Every time I have called a news room in those two states, the news crew engages in gaslighting. “There was no hate crime. There are no attacks against white people. If this was really going on, then we would know about it. Your starting to sound racist.”

This most recent hate crime mob attack in the Twin Cities area was so severe that the local media couldn’t get away with censoring the mug shots or photos of the victim and his family. The general public will know it was a black on white mob attack. *So the media is simply trying to downplay it. They will say anything under the sun to keep from saying that it was a racially motivated attack. This story is also quarantined to local coverage only. If the races were reversed it would be a major national news story. At every level of the media the headlines would scream “white racist mob nearly kills innocent black man in hate crime.”

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

and now for the rest of the story...
this man just happened to walk into a group of up to fifty gang members, involved in a gang fight...
the fight had nothing to do with him. or his being a different was a gang fight....gang on gang...and this person just walks right into the mob...duh.
yes, he got beat up was a gang fight. everyone got beat on.

And that makes it it was a gang fight, and we are now supposed to ignore their existence, and condone their actions....your response makes no sense....Gary

I'm glad they finally caught Whitey Bulger Now I can wear my shirt FREE WHITEY:laughing7:

and now for the rest of the story...
this man just happened to walk into a group of up to fifty gang members, involved in a gang fight...
the fight had nothing to do with him. or his being a different was a gang fight....gang on gang...and this person just walks right into the mob...duh.
yes, he got beat up was a gang fight. everyone got beat on.

Are you serious??? You missed your calling, you would make a great liberal reporter or PR man for obama...

If it was 50 whites beat up a black youth you and ever other liberal would be singing a different tune......

It was a racial hate crime, but the kind you don't like to talk about.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

it was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...I read quite well thank you...and not one source.

yes he got beat down...yes he is in serious condition...yes he is white...
yes a black man has been arrested...
he was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...
I glow in the dark...I know hate crimes when I see them...this is some unaware person wandering into a gang fight...

and how about that insult stuff?

it was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...I read quite well thank you...and not one source.

yes he got beat down...yes he is in serious condition...yes he is white...
yes a black man has been arrested...
he was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...
I glow in the dark...I know hate crimes when I see them...this is some unaware person wandering into a gang fight...

and how about that insult stuff?

Hey Canyon - I live in Minnesota, I work In St. Paul where this happened. Approx. 20 - 30 Blacks aging from 15 to 25 beat the piss out of a white guy - removed his pants and stole his money. He is in the hospital with brain damage from the beating. You really need to get your facts from a good source. No gang fight, 25 against 1 is harldy a gang fight.

it was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...I read quite well thank you...and not one source.

yes he got beat down...yes he is in serious condition...yes he is white...
yes a black man has been arrested...
he was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...
I glow in the dark...I know hate crimes when I see them...this is some unaware person wandering into a gang fight...

and how about that insult stuff?

Oh, and BTW Canyon - His name is Ray Widstrand a 26 year old - - - - Catch this - - look close - - FROM ST.PAUL <- NOT A TOURIST!!!!!

Would you like his caring bridge home page so you can tell his family what an idiot he is for walking into a "gang fight" - - DAMN!!!!!

mr ray had just moved into the neighborhood...where he was a miniorty...he chose to walk through a GANG FIGHT. 'cuse me..pardon me...'
idiocy at its best...
there were many things mr ray widstrand could have done to avoid being sent to the hospital...
first is seeing 50 black teenagers in a rage, change direction, go sleep at grannies, use the back door...
but no...he CHOSE to walk through a gang stated in most of the above links...was he feeling suicidal?

back in my piss an viniger stage of life...I had the misfortune to walk into a crowd of apache....that were beating each other something fierce...
this was Odark the only blue eyed white boy within miles...of open desert....

big mistake...I did survive without a beating...knives were banished, threats were issued...though at the time they sounded like promises...blood was flowing...not gangs have notihing on apache boys on a drunken rage...they fight for fun...everyone bleeds.

the man walked into a gang fight...big mistake no matter what color one is....
and I am outraged that this type of behavior occurs...where were the homeowners? the polices? ray widstrang's own situational awareness?

mr ray had just moved into the neighborhood...where he was a miniorty...he chose to walk through a GANG FIGHT. 'cuse me..pardon me...'
idiocy at its best...
there were many things mr ray widstrand could have done to avoid being sent to the hospital...
first is seeing 50 black teenagers in a rage, change direction, go sleep at grannies, use the back door...
but no...he CHOSE to walk through a gang stated in most of the above links...was he feeling suicidal?

Nice tainted view there brother - First he was a tourist - Per you, Then you fixed it up, well he just moved in, He grew up in St. paul, and just moved into the apartments, what's next? He called a group of 50 blacks the "N" word. Again, I can not even debate the lost..............

I would really like to give you his caring bridge web site, his grieving family would love to hear from you. I'm sure.:BangHead:

Oh, one more thing - I haven't seen Mr. Obama on Television saying that Ray could have been his son <--- Very Strange??????:dontknow:

it was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...I read quite well thank you...and not one source.

yes he got beat down...yes he is in serious condition...yes he is white...
yes a black man has been arrested...
he was a tourist wandering into a gang fight...
I glow in the dark...I know hate crimes when I see them...this is some unaware person wandering into a gang fight...

and how about that insult stuff?

Guess you better check your reading glasses, he is a resident of the neighborhood not a tourist..............The liberal press is trying to write it off as a gang fight because they do not want to ever admit a race crime commited by blacks against a white person, he is a young white man jumped by 30-50 black thugs.......

According to the liberals only white people commit race crimes.....

The thugs were part of a gang, it was not a gang fight, there was a girl fight in progress in front of a house where party waw in progress when he walked up and was attacked...

"A young woman reported that the melee began with a party at an address at Preble Street near Minnehaha. A group of girls at the party began fighting outside. People gathered to watch.
When Widstrand walked into the crowd, one of the 15-year-old boys charged Tuesday hit him in the head. Upon his arrest Aug. 7, the boy admitted he was at the party but denied he knew of or was involved in a fight. "

No mention of a gang fight here......

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mr ray had just moved into the neighborhood...where he was a miniorty...he chose to walk through a GANG FIGHT. 'cuse me..pardon me...' idiocy at its best... there were many things mr ray widstrand could have done to avoid being sent to the hospital... first is seeing 50 black teenagers in a rage, change direction, go sleep at grannies, use the back door... but no...he CHOSE to walk through a gang stated in most of the above links...was he feeling suicidal?
You make me sad Canyon. I get the feeling that America should be divided into the the areas you deem racially or morally safe to go into. I hope that you can find the inner knowledge to know that America should be safe for any American to walk around anywhere. You nearly sound like a racist here, although I am sure you did not mean too. Wake up. There should be no places where a Whetto should not go in America, as well as anyone else.

wow...the illiterate telling me how to I am a racist too?
pretty funny th...your own news papers an television outlets are not good enough for you, you need to find rightwing hate sites to fill the vacume.

what a waste...what is a whetto? is that some neocon code?

and I walk where ever I choose.
the Nazi told everyone to wake up when I read that statement, well...homeland homeland uber alles.

should have known any site with a second amendment thread is a meeting of the extreme right wing sheet people.

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We need more second amendment threads across this country. If we don't protect what is supposed to be a "Right", we end up like California passing laws to let boys use the girls bathroom and shower with LAW!! If you don't like it, you're punished, not the deviant. Not only that, if the boy wants to play on a girls sports team, that is fine also. Wait 'til the boys start breaking all of the girl's sports records. They can probably play from the girl's tees on the golf course too. And they better not put an asterisk next to the record, that would denote unfairness. Why should the majority have to live like the minority?

wow...the illiterate telling me how to I am a racist too?
pretty funny th...your own news papers an television outlets are not good enough for you, you need to find rightwing hate sites to fill the vacume.

what a waste...what is a whetto? is that some neocon code?

and I walk where ever I choose.
the Nazi told everyone to wake up when I read that statement, well...homeland homeland uber alles.

should have known any site with a second amendment thread is a meeting of the extreme right wing sheet people.

So twincities .com is a rightwing hate site....

Just who are you calling illiterate...Remember your the one who said he was a tourist. He was a resident before he moved to the neighborhood of the attack

As far as this comment...

should have known any site with a second amendment thread is a meeting of the extreme right wing sheet people.

Do not attack TN...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

mr ray had just moved into the neighborhood...where he was a miniorty...he chose to walk through a GANG FIGHT. 'cuse me..pardon me...'
idiocy at its best...
there were many things mr ray widstrand could have done to avoid being sent to the hospital...
first is seeing 50 black teenagers in a rage, change direction, go sleep at grannies, use the back door...
but no...he CHOSE to walk through a gang stated in most of the above links...was he feeling suicidal?

How close is walking into a thing the left calls their culture (Nothing to see here) He could have been 2 blocks away and if ill intent was on the minds of these Gov. Teat suckers they would have done it, just because he looked like Bulger's first name

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