It is shocking , the scale is unimaginable ...
On average it is over 1000 kids per day in the US,, 460,000 average per year,, 460k ?? ..
Canada has over 45000 per year,, the UK more than 100000.... These are horrifying figures and, in my opinion, reveal a level of organisation that is very sophisticated.. These figures are not accumulated from the 'perve down the street' scenarios, Some are obviously,, but the sheer scale of the global figures suggests big organisation, and that means big money, and big players...
Another thing that spikes my attention, is that we are tossed a few stories 'here and there' by the media , a kid here went missing, a child there was abducted etc.. and we have our attention drawn towards these particular cases,, every case is important don't get me wrong, but why don't big news carriers declare the figure for each day in a National and global perspective ?? I suggest it is because if everyone was aware of the scale, the sheer numbers, then there would be public outrage of an uncontrollable manner, as people start to work out that something bigger is going on.