these were found in Arizona with a lot of hand forged chain links and square nails.
any information on dating these?
you can click on them for a close up.
Where in Arizona were these items found, the location would help determine the history of mining in the general area and thus help with dating the items, if you could research and find if and when the area had a mineral claim filed on it would almost date the items to within a few years.
The pick looks to be from around the late 1800s and up to the depression era years.
i like your deductive reasoning.
ok here is the story.
i was out looking for a buried cache up in northern Arizona. no mining in this area. i found what looks like the lay out of an old wagon, it had denigrated and the only thing left were things made of iron.
the cache was buried in the late 1880.
getting a date on the pick ax would help confirm the time frame.
The type of pick you have there, can very well date to the 1880's. I've seen this same style of cast steel pick, often found in context with 1870's-1880's mining activity. By the mid-1860's, most of the picks were manufactured in quantity, and cast complete, ready to use once a stout handle was affixed. The earlier picks more often seen in 1840's-1850's context, were comprised of two separate halves, either forged or sometimes cast, and then hot hammer welded together.
The cache you seek may potentially be in the area, as these finds are supported by the time period of activity you are researching.
....I should have been more detailed in what you were asking,or why you were asking.......Cast picks were of that style were used up into the 1930's,but the 1870's-80's they seem to be "the style".Your example may be shortened from continued wear/use/sharpening,or made that way intentionally to use in a confined space,like a tunnel.Miners often refer to them as a Drifting Pick