✅ SOLVED Miniature hand carved solid metal piece found.


Apr 15, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My dad found this while snorkeling in North Shore Hawaii. It was partially exposed in sand and he picked it up. When he was drying off a passerby witha metal detector was near and my dad asked him if he would scan his find. It lit up and the stranger seemed very excited about it asking my dad where he found it. That's it. It's a curious little piece with no "made in China" enscription as far as I can tell. It doesn't open but when you shake it there are some tiny particles that rattle around inside it with very little room to move.

Anyone have similar finds? Or know what's the significance of any?


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So you're saying it is sealed?

Ummm... I would guess infant cremation urn. Please put it back.


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Joe, do you see dead people? :skullflag:

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i was thinking urn too, if it is its prob from the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami
i know for items like that you are suppose to contact, a gov agency, dont remember
which one, maybe the county/state LE there know which one

just went checking for the agency, and wow, Japan had a 7.0 mag quake last nite

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I'd never heard of an infant cremation urn, but that sure look like the example the DCMatt posted. Someone most likely placed it offshore as a final resting place for their child. It needs to be returned where it was found.

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Odd how the poster has not come back and replied yet.

Anyone going to say welcome to the forum?

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I'd never heard of an infant cremation urn, but that sure look like the example the DCMatt posted. Someone most likely placed it offshore as a final resting place for their child. It needs to be returned where it was found.

Urns come in all sizes and the industry has estimates on sizes needed. One web site I saw said an infant urn needs to be only about 2 cubic inches.

Little doubt in my mind the the original poster has a tiny urn full of someone's profound sadness.


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For general information on Japan tsunami marine debris in Hawaii visit

Personal effects or possessions from JapanExample: Items with unique identifiers, names, registration
numbers, or markings. Items that appear to be personal belongings shouldbe treated with respect.
They should be reported with as much relevant detail as possible. Report the item to DLNR and NOAA
(directions on page 1). Agencies will work with the Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu for appropriate arrangements.

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Thanks to everyone for all the valuable input. I believe this mystery is solved.

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That is a keepsake cremation urn. Most likely a family decided to let it sink to the bottom for a final resting place.

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