I went for a spin on the Beach yesterday and tried out the pump-method for bottle caps/pull tabs. I'll be honest, that thing worked pretty good. I would go along using BEACH2, if i hit something that was in the 10-18 range I pressed the all-metal button to hear the grunt. If i heard no grunt, i would try the approach-method where you swing back and forth as you approach the target to listen for the grunt. I would hear that & be pretty confident it was not a solid 15/etc anymore, but more likely a bottlecap or tab. Then i tried the pump method (make sure all metal mode is on) and that worked nicely too, even when the approach-method didnt work. Ofcourse i had to dig some caps to make sure it was working, but everytime i did, it was a cap.
Still more testing needed, however, good news so far.
Now, that goes to show you i didn't have a very lucky day yesterday, but the sun was shining, the temps were 74, and the water is getting warmer, so no complaints. Clad, Sunglasses, caps, tabs, and odds & ends.