Full Member
Below is a list of Ghost Towns in Michigan I managed to put together. I am interested in doing some relic hunts in these areas. I have found some really cool info about some of them individually. I want to know if any T-Net members have ever been these places, and if what they were like in terms of "huntability"? I have coordinates for many of the town names listed, I have mainly been looking into the ones that are in Lower MI. Any feedback would be highly appreciated.
List of Michigan Ghost Towns:
Copper Falls Mine -1 Cutcheon -5 Damon -1 Delaware -1 Delta Mills -1 Denver -1 Depot Town -1 Deward -3 Donken -1 Doyle -6 Duncan City -4 Dunham -1 Edgewood -5 Elmdale -5 Elm River -1 Emerson -2 English -1Fayette -1Ferry -5Flower Creek -1Freda -1Freidberger -6Garnet -1Gay -1Gert -1Gibbs City -1Glass River -6Glen Haven -1Gould City -2Greenwood -1Kensington -8Killmaster -4Longrie -1Lum -6Mandan -1Mansfield -1Marlborough -5Matchwood -1Moran -1Nonesuch -1Old Antrim -3Oskar -1Ozark -2Pequaming -1Pere Cheny -3Phoenix -1Pine Hill -6Podunk -6Prentiss -2Ramsay -1Rawsonville -8Redridge -1Salo -1Seneca -1Seewhy -2Shelldrake -2Sherman City -1Singapore -7Soo Junction -8 Spoonville -5Star City -3 Summitville -5Tula -8Tyre -1Verona -1Vickeryville -5Victoria -1Wetzell -2Wilson -1Whores Corner -1Wyoming -1Ypsilanti's Depot -8
List of Michigan Ghost Towns:
Copper Falls Mine -1 Cutcheon -5 Damon -1 Delaware -1 Delta Mills -1 Denver -1 Depot Town -1 Deward -3 Donken -1 Doyle -6 Duncan City -4 Dunham -1 Edgewood -5 Elmdale -5 Elm River -1 Emerson -2 English -1Fayette -1Ferry -5Flower Creek -1Freda -1Freidberger -6Garnet -1Gay -1Gert -1Gibbs City -1Glass River -6Glen Haven -1Gould City -2Greenwood -1Kensington -8Killmaster -4Longrie -1Lum -6Mandan -1Mansfield -1Marlborough -5Matchwood -1Moran -1Nonesuch -1Old Antrim -3Oskar -1Ozark -2Pequaming -1Pere Cheny -3Phoenix -1Pine Hill -6Podunk -6Prentiss -2Ramsay -1Rawsonville -8Redridge -1Salo -1Seneca -1Seewhy -2Shelldrake -2Sherman City -1Singapore -7Soo Junction -8 Spoonville -5Star City -3 Summitville -5Tula -8Tyre -1Verona -1Vickeryville -5Victoria -1Wetzell -2Wilson -1Whores Corner -1Wyoming -1Ypsilanti's Depot -8