Michelle Obama Deception: She Can’t Possibly Care About Children

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Michelle Obama Deception: She Can’t Possibly Care About Children

As the first lady Michelle Obama continues to push her initiatives to ‘raise a healthier generation of children’ she remains silent on US policy that is aiding criminal psychopaths involved with executing children in Syria.

By Joe Jankowski
September 19, 2013

On February 9, 2010 Michelle Obama launched her “Lets Move” initiative to promote healthier and more happy lifestyles for young children inside the United States. She has stuck her hand into school lunch menu’s with the Federal Healthy Lunch Program and has even gone on a nation-wide tour of the country to share her strong passion for the positive well being of young people.[1]

On Wednesday, Michelle urged companies during a food marketing summit to do more to promote healthier foods to children through marketing techniques. ”I’m here today with one simple request and that is to do even more and move even faster to market responsibly to our kids,” the first lady said during her summit introduction.[2]

All because she cares..


The first ladies complacency in her husbands direct involvement in aiding rebel jihad extremists[3], fighting for al-Qaeda in Syria, who have been involved in unspeakably horrid crimes against children, is enough evidence to discredit any sort of grandstanding that she may take part in on behalf of children.

Many reports over the course of the 2 1/2 year Syrian civil war have described how sick and twisted these US backed rebels groups, who are largely made up of the worse criminal elements in the middle east, truly are.[4]

Here are just a few of the despicable actions carried out against children by the rebel fighters:

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front killed four children under the age of 16 in a Alawite village earlier this month.[5]
A Catholic nun of St. James Monastery in Qara, gave a horrifying testimony to RT describing how the murderous rebel fighters dismembered a little girl during a mass killing in the village of Estreba with a frame saw while she was still living![6]
A shocking video emerged online last month of rebels executing two teenage boys in northern Syria who allegedly were supporters of President Bashar Assad.[7]

The reports of senseless child murder by these US back fighters go on and on and on.

Where is the out cry from the oh’ so caring wife of the commander-in-chief?

There has not been one publicly documented account of Michelle Obama speaking out against these horrific crimes taking place on her husbands watch.

Could it be that the entire purpose of the first ladies campaign for the good health of children is nothing but a front to paint a smiling face on the evil empire that has done nothing to stop, but supports, the slaughter of innocent children oversea’s?

It seems that is the case as Michelle Obama is only concerned of the caloric intake of young people inside the United States. She does not even have the decency to spread awareness of genetically modified organisms that are increasing making their way into super-markets or of the dangerous estrogen mimickers, like BPA, in plastic food containers that studies show to be causing the exact diseases she has vowed to fight against.[8]

Shouldn’t the first lady be questioning her husbands recent waiver of the federal law prohibiting the supply of lethal aid to terrorist groups if she care so much about children?[9]

Is a child only legitimate inside the United states?

Michelle Obama can not truly care about children as proven by her silence on the slaughter of innocent young people in Syria.


[1] Michelle Obama going on national tour to celebrate her healthy eating initiative - DailyCaller.com

[2] Michelle Obama Calls Food Marketing Summit To Ask Companies To Stop Advertising Unhealthy Foods To Kids - HuffingtonPost.com

[3] Report: US government delivering weapons, vehicles, other equipment to Syrian rebels via CIA and State Department - EyesWideOpenReport.com

[4] Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane’s report - Telegraph.co.uk

[5] Al Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels kill 7 women, 4 children in Alawite village: report - WashingtonTimes.com

[6] Obama’s Psychotic Syrian Rebels Dismembered Little Girl While She Was Still Alive Obama’s Psychotic Syrian Rebels Dismembered Little Girl While She Was Still Alive - FreedomOutpost.com


[8] High BPA Levels in Children Associated With Higher Risk of Obesity and Abnormal Waist Circumference - ScienceDaily.com

[9] UPDATED: Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition - AntiWar.com

Maybe she gripes at him in private or denies sexual favors. Her biggest crime is the healthy food crap. How would you like to be married to someone who makes you eat healthy crap all the time. No more 5 guys, no big deserts. Just fruit and veggies. "Barrack, eat your tofu and sprouts". And the kids in our country are under attack. They can go back at school lunch for more fruits or veggies, but meats, bread, deserts, milk are forbidden. You get one seving. I bet Barack has a couple of books on the life of Henry VIII in his bathroom that he reads in his spare time and wonders if executive privilege covers beheading.
Well, forgive me Michelle for I have sinned. Went to Smash Burger today for a loaded burger, large fries, onion rings and a big old sugary soda. Tomorrow it's enchiladas, rice, beans and tortillas with a couple of margaritas thrown in. Yeah, I'm eatin healthy. Haven't had Chicken Fried Steak for 3 weeks or so. Did go to Tip Top to have enchiladas and onion rings last week. You can google Tip Top images and yes I ate ALL those onion rings. Would have even shared them with poor old Obozo if he had shown up...

Heck with them all, after seeing Dem walk out on the families of the Americans killed in Benghazi who were going to speak they have shown what they think of Americans who serve their country and those who paid the ultimate price.

They are worthless scum..

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She was advised that as the wife of the guy pretending to be prisident
she had to take up a cause. this was it.

Don't get me started on presidents, real & Phoney, & War & children

didn't Laura Bush have a program to encourage kids to read? What nerve!! ( know what sarcasm is?)
Telling kids when and what to read. Gov needs to stay out of people's business!! Does LB think she's smarter than the kids own parents??
Her husband started a war in iraq which killed thousands and let al qaeda in, did she speak out on it? not that i recall.

sheesh, now you got me started.
Why does the NFL think kids need exercise? Is it their business??
Why does Cialis think they know best about my umm thing? What if I like one bathtub??
Why does the highway dept. put up stop signs? It's not in the Constitution. I should be able to drive how I want.

Sports causes brain Injuries, Everyone knows that.

Stop signs are just to advise you there may be someone coming the other way.
As long as they heed stop signs you don't need to.

Cialis Yawn here

The kids are gobbling up those yummy healthy meals too ;)

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