Metal detecting for your health along with having fun


Sr. Member
Apr 17, 2014
Northern Califorina
Detector(s) used
Whites 5000D..Whites Classic 3 SL with Mr. Bill mods..Whites MXT...Minelab X-terra 705..Minelab Explorer SE Pro..Whites DFX..Minelab E-trac...Minelab CTX3030
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I use to do a lot of metal detecting back in the 1980,s. After 4 or 5 years I got away from it, just in the last year I have got back into detecting with my whites classic 3 and x-terra 705 , I am 68 years old and my doctor has told me I need to get my heart in better shape...out today at the park and ran into two guys that where in there 80,s out there metal detecting.. with the same kind of story..I find when I am out detecting with the headphones on I lose track of all the worries in the world and at home.....what do you think!!!!!....Healthy , fun , and treasures....

I couldnt agree more!!! I have now hit "middle age" and when Hubby and I go out (every weekend) not only do I feel better mentally but after being told by my Dr a year ago that I needed excerise, and fresh air and a hobby to improve my health---I have found the same in metal detecting!!! Im 20 pounds lighter, arthritis is now almost non-existant, feel relaxed yet "head healthy" when Im in my headphone zone! Since I have started detecting I am a calmer, happier, more motivated person too! I am happy for you and I know EXACTLY where Youre coming from my friend! GOOD FOR YOU AND HAPPY HUNTING!!!! :thumbsup:

Best kind of Healthy exercise, Anything that Gets You Out And Active Red Is A survivor of 2 Heart attacks Just a little over a Year ago And wont stop Detecting Until she Cant Anymore She started just over 2 years Ago to Spend More time With Me, CHUG Happy Hunting Most of her doctors Believe the Becoming More Active Helped Her Recover Faster!! I think She is Just F@%KING Stubborn

That's right people, get out there and exercise and when it is over, have a pizza and beer.............. 81G3L16743.jpg

I bought my MD after I had a major heart attack. I hate just walking but am loving MD'ing. I even found a 14K ring a couple weeks ago.
I am now planning a trip to the Llano, Tx area to do some detecting and panning/sluicing. Going primitive with my tent and 2 sticks to start a fire. Well at least with my tent and maybe a lighter.
I am feeling like a youngster again and fulfilling my bucket list.

I'm 56 and up until the last year I use to spend nearly every day on the beach, mostly water detecting but also a lot of wet sand hunting. To put it plainly, I was in great shape! No, I would say more like, "fantastic shape!". However, after being forced to break this cycle I can't tell you how out of shape I feel now whenever I do get a chance to go. The older we get the harder it is to stay in shape, the quicker it leaves us. "A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest." Water hunting is great aerobics, wet sand hunting is great exercise. :thumbsup:

I hear you on that one Bigscoop! I'm 62 had major surgery a year ago w/complications (Murphy's law!!!!). Four months after surgery I was back detecting! It was what I looked forward to the most! Still not back to normal, that standard may have to be taken down a notch.
I hate exercising, but Put a detector in my hands and I will walk around for hours, bend to retrieve targets (bad knees), and not eat! I will actually skip a meal to detect! My doctor thinks that's great!

I hear you on that one Bigscoop! I'm 62 had major surgery a year ago w/complications (Murphy's law!!!!). Four months after surgery I was back detecting! It was what I looked forward to the most! Still not back to normal, that standard may have to be taken down a notch.
I hate exercising, but Put a detector in my hands and I will walk around for hours, bend to retrieve targets (bad knees), and not eat! I will actually skip a meal to detect! My doctor thinks that's great!

Same here, was the same when I was camping. Start with a light breakfast, hardly eat anything through the day, maybe a couple of cheese and crackers, that sort of thing, but certainly no "lunch" to speak of, then a late dinner, just enough to fulfill the hunger growls. My energy lever was always great and I felt great all day long, slept like a baby. Too much sitting around now, restless as heck but just can't get away like I want or use to do.

Well I am glad to hear that there are other people out there in the same boat...when my Doctor told me that I had the beginning of a heart problem...well that kind of gets your attention...I remembered back 30 years ago when I was MD and how it was a good work out back then, so I started watching what I eat and swinging that detector again, lost 45lbs and feel a lot better. and just love the aloan time when I am doing it, every dig is an advancer...its what I like doing looking for treasures where vary its at,yard sales ,flea markets, or out digging...happy hunting

I'm 56 and up until the last year I use to spend nearly every day on the beach, mostly water detecting but also a lot of wet sand hunting. To put it plainly, I was in great shape! No, I would say more like, "fantastic shape!". However, after being forced to break this cycle I can't tell you how out of shape I feel now whenever I do get a chance to go. The older we get the harder it is to stay in shape, the quicker it leaves us. "A body in motion stays in motion. A body at rest stays at rest." Water hunting is great aerobics, wet sand hunting is great exercise.

I hear you on that one Bigscoop! I'm 62 had major surgery a year ago w/complications (Murphy's law!!!!). Four months after surgery I was back detecting! It was what I looked forward to the most! Still not back to normal, that standard may have to be taken down a notch.
I hate exercising, but Put a detector in my hands and I will walk around for hours, bend to retrieve targets (bad knees), and not eat! I will actually skip a meal to detect! My doctor thinks that's great!

Red Still Has Her Bad Days But every day that she can Get Out is A Great Day! So far I have not been able to Get Out Without her she is stubborn and determined!!! HH CHUG :occasion14:

Sorry I don't know how to do Multiple Quotes So I Cut and Pasted

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