

Gold Member
Nov 8, 2012
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab x-Terra 505
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I have a friend who got a Whites CoinMaster machine and has invited me to go hunt. She has found a couple of rusty guns(possibly toy guns) and I have taken her detecting once. I have tried to tell her to not dig at an angle and she does seem to find things. How can I help her if I don't know what a food hit is on her machine? She recently got a pinpointer which I personally couldn't live without and is planning on buying headphones. I don't want her to think all I care about is beating her to the goodies.

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I have a friend who got a Whites Coin Pro machine and has invited me to go hunt. She has found a couple of rusty guns(possibly toy guns) and I have taken her detecting once. I have tried to tell her to not dig at an angle and she does seem to find things. How can I help her if I don't know what a food hit is on her machine? She recently got a pinpointer which I personally couldn't live without and is planning on buying headphones. I don't want her to think all I care about is beating her to the goodies.

What I have done with my kids and my mother is go out with em and I'll leave my machine behind. I walk with them, listen to their targets and then give advice. Is it a scratchy signal, do the vdi numbers jump around a lot?…Don't dig it! Does it sound good in more than one direction, are the numbers pretty steady?…Ok, lets digs! After they get their pinpointing down, I taught em how to dig proper plugs and retrieve their targets.
By putting aside my detecting and focusing on theirs, I feel it puts them more at ease as it doesn't seem competitive and the learning curve is shortened. When they dig something worthwhile and they get all excited it's worth not having found it myself. I know I'll always find more!

fella's got a good way of going about it :) I've taught a couple of people the same way and have an audio splitter so we can both listen to the targets.

Once the person, kid or adult, gets the hang of things we go our separate ways and compete in area's well away from each other. Keep it fun is all. I have had one person I trained get too serious and with that we parted ways. A thought. Luck with your mentoring and keep swinging ;)

Thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll be able to at least look at her detector( the display is pretty easy to read) as well as listen a few times before we do go off on our own. She may be like me though and dig everything that sounds remotely good.Fortunately the place she invited me to is likely to not have a lot of trash around it and she can learn her detector better.

Build a target garden with both good targets and junk targets. There IS a difference to good and bad targets. The only way to learn is TIME ON THE MACHINE. TTC

Thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll be able to at least look at her detector( the display is pretty easy to read) as well as listen a few times before we do go off on our own. She may be like me though and dig everything that sounds remotely good.Fortunately the place she invited me to is likely to not have a lot of trash around it and she can learn her detector better.
If she has the CoinMaster Pro, yeah it's pretty simple machine to figure out. Shouldn't take long at all.

As long as she has the patience to learn the machine she'll do find, she has a good teacher!

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