Meeting at the Bavarian Archaeology dept...

Bavaria Mike

Gold Member
Feb 7, 2005
Bavaria Germany
Detector(s) used
Minelab XT70, Fisher 1280, Garrett Ace 250 and MH5
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Meeting with the Archaeology dept. went as well as it could considering detectorists are not welcome there, they certified I have no treasure and all finds are mine! They did keep a few finds that I?ll receive back in due time, 3 seal matrixes and few shoe buckles possibly 1400-1500s in age. They are trying to ban detecting in Bavaria and explained I need a permit even if I hunt a sandy modern beach or a kiddie playground, no detecting of any kind without a permit. This almost makes me want to seek legal advice to get a thorough definition of the law. They do not care for detectorists at all. I asked if I could help with an excavation and she said sure, but not with a detector. I can understand and respect her drive to protect historical sites but banning me from being honest is not going to stop the grave robbers, it will just make the honest person go bad. There are so many compromises for the solution of keeping everyone happy but they require common sense. I read a poster on the wall at the dept., in English, about a site they have been excavating in Regensburg that is being threatened by FARMING and the towns need for growth. I referenced this to the Dr. and she said if they let me detect, other people will see me and everyone will do it dishonestly, what a weak answer! So she would rather a sites finds deteriorate than allow me to detect it. The farm fields close to the castle I requested will not be approved, and I didn?t request any of the ruins. I hope to see my permit within a few weeks. HH, Mike

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Good Luck Mike.

? ? ? ? ? ? ?I hope everything works out.

if not, &%$# the Arkies and anyone who looks like 'em? ;D

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jeff

Well that really does not sound good Mike. The Govt once again on the advice of a greedy under educated people has determined that the best course of action is to limit the activitys of others who might actually enlighten the people as a whole. Incredible the stupidity that still exists in this world. I would like to see some of our Friends from the Uk pipe in on this. I feel the laws there are fairer and afford the people the chance to participate rather than hinder the understanding of the importance of our hobby and how it helps all involved. Regardless of the laws Bandits will still be bandits and those that are only intereste in a fast buck will never conform. There is nothing anyone can do about this type of activity. It is the same with gun laws. If you outlaw them then only the criminals will have them. Please keep us informed and remeber the Grass Root movements of a few have changed the world views of many. dont give up and remeber a petition from around the world carrys more wieght then a few locals can do by themselves.

Disclaimer: My opinions are just that and in no way reflect the narrow minded infringements of my right to freedom of speech afforded to me by my govt. and the owners of Tresure Net. LOL

Oh and I have more to say on this subject. Has anyone ever really looked at the course list for Archeology? The requirements are about as aggressive and challenging as an art major. The masters programs consist of nothing more than a follow up to history 101 and the only qualification is the research capabilities of the applicant. Oh I know this is going to Pi$$ off a few liberal arts majors but lets get real here folks. This job and title is no more important than any other field of study. Oh lets see, I believe I have enough time to have my doctorate in Facility's Management They just don't offer such a degree or tenure. Some how Archaeologists have elevated themselves to this higher degree through self promotion and the awe inspiring discoveries only they are allowed to make with the cooperatin of the respective govts. This is nothing more than a field of study that has gotten out of hand. If I got every Facility's manager together in the world and started to dictate the functionality of a building's or complex of such buildings then the world of Architecture would become nothing more than a group of Cad techs making sure every specification was met and the art of making something a monument to the world would be thrown out the window. Of course their are those that feel most older architecture was Felic in nature anyway and only reflected the Ego of the creator. LOL Well I'm on my second cup of coffee so I'll shut up now.

What it comes Down to, they Get Paid to Dig History.

We Enjoy doing it for Free.

Therefore, IF the Government Let us Do it, how would the Archies Justify their High Salaries ?

jeff of pa said:
What it comes Down to, they Get Paid to Dig History.

We Enjoy doing it for Free.

Therefore, IF the Government Let us Do it, how would the Archies Justify their High Salaries ?
You have a point there Jeff. HMMM Lets See,
Metal Detecting 101. Begining Course Study of Metal Detecting and Recovery of Lost objects and Artifacts. This is a 8 week course . Credit hours 1.5 Proffessor Floater MDD. Please see the School Website for Required Study materials, Class Begins sept 9th. Weds and Fri.
I like it. LOL

Greetings all. I'm new here but I couldn't help but notice your posting, Mike.

There is this famous quote:

?All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.? (Edmund Burke)

I hope you and others like you are able to make a difference over there.

I believe I saw something on TV once about museums selling stuff they feel they no longer need. This is all very interesting.


Welcome Floatcopper. Interesting Quote. I believe you may find the actual quote more interesting though and the real context of it. He was not a passifist but a lawyer turned Orator and Author . Could you really trust a Lawyer.LOL

?When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.*? Not quite the same thing, but easy to understand the transformation, a good quote made better by its passing into common wisdom.
"All that is necessary for the
forces of evil to succeed/triumph is for enough good men to do nothing."

The quote you seek is generally attributed to Edmund Burke, an 18th
Century British Statesman, famous for impeaching Warren Hastings, a book
on the French Revolution ("Reflections on the Revolution In France") and
some fairly liberal positions towards the American colonies. To my
knowledge, no one has ever *found* the quote in any of his writings, and
it remains more elusive than 1943 copper pennies.

Let's all get degrees and infiltrate the arkie organization! We'll convert them from the inside! (like worms in an apple!) ;)

P.S. Then we could get paid obscene amounts of money to metal detect! ;D

I like it. Even better yet lets just start our own lobby group and Pay off the politicians. Why fight the system. LOL

I was enlightened as to the present German law, which I was aware of but... A German detectorist friend responded on another forum to make it clear. What I understand after reading his response, reading the German law in German then I sent it through a translator into English is: Bavarian law requires a permit when digging near or on an archaeological site. But the catch is, how do you know it is not an archaeological significant site? If you are sure it is not significant, then one does not need a permit and only permission from the owner. And no where in the laws does it mention Metal Detecting. This needs more research for me to be completely comfortable but I have a warmer feeling now. I'll be on a business trip for a few weeks in Schweinfurt Germany, it was bombed 17 times by B-17s. I have the aerial photos after the bombs were dropped, craters very visible and the aerials of how it looks today. Meeting up with two other detectorists, met one of them through this forum, we'll be hunting American silver coins and Nazi paraphernalia near an old WWII Army post and of course anything else we can find. This will be a great hunt getting together with a few other seasoned detectorists. Look for an outstanding post when I get back! HH and thanks for the comments, Mike

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