there for a minute i thought you were showing photos of your last cookout, then my eyes focused. That one pottery shard looks like a grilled burger. Now I'm hungry! Thanks a lot ! dinners still 3hrs away...
It does look like a grilled burger. Kinda square & flat for a burger. Now, I'm hungry. LOL! Everything is wet, but that's the colors. What you think of my little handy, dandy sifter? Made from a strawberry hand carrier.
looks great , ive never sifted for points im not that patient hard to tell what ive missed over the years, but i usually trust my eyes and digger. just how are you using that i thought you mostly field hunted?
I don't use it to sift for Indian artifacts. I slapped it together to help me sift when I found the turtle shell in the ground. It fits on the back of the ATV, and I put my bigger stuff in there and dip in the pond or wait til I get back up to the house and rinse with water hose. Comes in very handy down river near the lake, while I sloshing around in the water looking for pottery.
Well; could you Please send back a little of that LUCK. I got my wife into looking for points and apparently for the last three or four times that we have been out, she has been the only one finding any thing. So if would kindly send me back just a little of that LUCK back Thank You!