Masonic Booklet Id ? Strange language .


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Feb 27, 2005
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That kind of helped clue me in. :D To be honest until I started googling words I had no idea that was the name of the language spoken in the Philippines.

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The language is Tagalog (AKA Pilipino or Filipino) mixed with Spanish. The United Stated took over the Philippines from Spain in 1898. They became an independent nation in 1946. So older documents are Spanish and Tagalog, newer ones in American English & Tagalog. I *think* 33rd degree is the highest degree in a Masonic order.

Chip V.

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what you have is a "outlaw" lodge book from the phillipines in the tagalog Or Philpino language (its a mixture of native and some spanish words) --- many years ago some "illegal lodges" were set up without appoval from the "mother lodge" or head lodge (they were not given offical "charters") ---normally when a lodge closes ---its records are sent to the "mother lodge" by the last head of the lodge or by the officers of the lodge for safe keeping --- in this case -- the " illegal copy lodge books" had no "offical keeper" to take care of them as is normally done -- in "normal" lodges as the members age and die off they are normally passed to the "new bunch " of officers --if no "new bunch" is availible they go to the "home lodge"--- these "bootleg lodge books" fell into non masonic hands --(yours) --you not being a mason had no idea what they are --now you do --- p.s. --- do not read the books and gain information and thus try to "pass" as a mason --there are things not in the books --that upon "questioning" by a real masons will expose you as a "fraud" and masons take a very dim veiw of "posers" --- Ivan

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Not only do I think Mr. Mojjax is honest; I think that if he wants to learn Masonic secrets he should become a Mason. That is surely easier than learning archaic Filipino.

Chip V.

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I don't think him dishonest in anyway what so ever -- he has shown himself to be a class act as far as I have seen-- however the lodge book can be highly tempting to non members to "meddle with" and I was just advising and enlighting him of others possible interest in getting ahold of the lodge books-- tagalog is still spoken today and is the main lingo of the phillipines it is far from a "unknown / dead" language just uncommon here in the states--- a person from the phillipines could easily read or "translate" the book -- not a good idea -- thats my point --- Ivan

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But if he doesn't how will he possibly ever find the invisible map on the back of the declaration of independence.

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ivan salis said:
what you have is a "outlaw" lodge book from the phillipines in the tagalog Or Philpino language (its a mixture of native and some spanish words) --- many years ago some "illegal lodges" were set up without appoval from the "mother lodge" or head lodge (they were not given offical "charters") ---normally when a lodge closes ---its records are sent to the "mother lodge" by the last head of the lodge or by the officers of the lodge for safe keeping --- in this case -- the " illegal copy lodge books" had no "offical keeper" to take care of them as is normally done -- in "normal" lodges as the members age and die off they are normally passed to the "new bunch " of officers --if no "new bunch" is availible they go to the "home lodge"--- these "bootleg lodge books" fell into non masonic hands --(yours) --you not being a mason had no idea what they are --now you do --- p.s. --- do not read the books and gain information and thus try to "pass" as a mason --there are things not in the books --that upon "questioning" by a real masons will expose you as a "fraud" and masons take a very dim veiw of "posers" --- Ivan

You must have loved "Turning the Hiram Key," by Robert Lomas. ;D

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Good Morning Hirams one and all. very good work on identifying the ritual book. woefully nothing is secret anymore and therefore illegal lodgea are not springing up like they once did. Rituals in the clear are easy to find and buy by anyone , not just a Brother. Bob Holyon PM

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My father went thru both the scottish rite & york rite and was PM of the lodge in hillard ,florida - he was also in the shriners and my grandpa was a member also --- Ivan

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Thanks for all the information . I bought all this stuff at a barn sale last weekend . The hardcover book is over 1000 pages . The ''strange'' language ones spiked my curiocity . I personally have no plans to be a Mason , but I find the concept of secret societies fascinating .


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If a free mason is free, how much does it cost if they aren't free? ;D ;D ;D

Sorry just trying lighten up the thread

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Well said by all "Traveling Men".

BTW...if you have trouble going to sleep, pick up the "Morals and Dogma" by Albert'll be sawing Zzzzzz's in no time. The man was absolutely brilliant; just didn't do a good job writing in layman's terms.

Many years ago I bought a book in the Methodist Publishing House bookstore in Nashville. It caught my eye and I bought it because of it's title....the words spoken when one is raised to the degree of Master Mason. What is startling about the book is the completeness of the rituals of all three degrees. After listening to a wife (now ex wife) complain about all our secrets I said this! She got about 5 pages into it, put it down, and never opened it again. To her, it was boring and did not make any sense! That was a very enjoyable smile I had on my face when she said that! ;)

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;) I would suggest that you really look into Masonry. We are not a secret society, we are a fraternity with some secrets. We take good men and make them better. John Wayne as well as most of the defenders of the Alamo were Masons as well as a great number of presidents. Also Mel Tillis, Roy Acuff, and a lot of entertainers. Red Skeleton and a lot of actors. We believe in god, country, and the right way.

Rennie Guenther PM Lodge 1109 Texas

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Yes, that maybe true, but you also rule the world as par of a secret cabal ;)

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a secret society is one that you do not admit exist,--- we openly admit we exist today--- heres a interesting story --quite true--- there was a time long ago ---when prince phillip the fair of france(who was anything but fair) appiled for "loans" to the templers and was "refused" on the basis that he often "borrowed" money and then use his royal office to "refuse payments of debt"--- phillip -- angry over the snub ---helped clement become the new the new "pope" --- in exchange for his help in becoming pope ---phillip had the the pope declare all the knight templers group --- as "traitors to christ" ---thus he could legally seize all the knight templers land in france and refuse to pay all the debts he owed to them ---plus then the church could seize all the moneys they held in the templer banking accounts and their foreign lands and assets --- they sent "killers" out to murder the templers in the middle of the night and tried to wipe them out in one fell swoop--- the joint papal / royal order was "signed" on a friday the 13th --- which has been been concisdered a "bad luck" day ever since --the templers caught wind of it at the last second and hid their major treasury before it could be seized --- still many were killed by the killers sent out by the king and pope before they could be warned-- the head of the templer order went to the pope demanding to know why the false charges were laid and by whom --he was tortured to death but refused to admit any wrong doing --- the templers then became a "secret society"-- and used special greetings and handshakes and such to protect themselves from the killers sent after them and be able to "indentify " one another --- the pope died shortly afterward and the "prince" died in a hunting accident not long afterward -- Ivan

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Very well done brothers, Yes we take men and make them better , we support the old and infirm, juvinile diabetes is one of our programs, as well as scholorships, community service, and fraternity of men. To be one ask one, please do Bob Holton PM 2 Napoleon Mi 301

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I always get a laugh out of that secret society stuff. I tell them we meet in a 7 story stone building with Masonic Temple engraved in 3 foot letters so how big a secret can we be. Don't forget the Knights
Templar Eye Foundation as another fine Masonic charity.
DRF, P.M., Alliquippa #375 of Pa.

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