Silver Member
I was wondering what language this is , and what branch of Masons ?
ivan salis said:what you have is a "outlaw" lodge book from the phillipines in the tagalog Or Philpino language (its a mixture of native and some spanish words) --- many years ago some "illegal lodges" were set up without appoval from the "mother lodge" or head lodge (they were not given offical "charters") ---normally when a lodge closes ---its records are sent to the "mother lodge" by the last head of the lodge or by the officers of the lodge for safe keeping --- in this case -- the " illegal copy lodge books" had no "offical keeper" to take care of them as is normally done -- in "normal" lodges as the members age and die off they are normally passed to the "new bunch " of officers --if no "new bunch" is availible they go to the "home lodge"--- these "bootleg lodge books" fell into non masonic hands --(yours) --you not being a mason had no idea what they are --now you do --- p.s. --- do not read the books and gain information and thus try to "pass" as a mason --there are things not in the books --that upon "questioning" by a real masons will expose you as a "fraud" and masons take a very dim veiw of "posers" --- Ivan