This picture of the old store was taken in 1926 or 1927.
The man on the left is Theo Meadows and the woman on the far right is Minnie Munday (Brock) Meadows
The building was built in 1895 by Sam Gilmore and was located across the road from the Mano School, which was built in 1894. At that time, the Mano Community had a Post Office located on Chris Munday's, place - he was the Post Master. There was also telephone service connecting Mano to Cassville and the switchboard was in Chris Munday's house. Lucile (Brock) Easley, remembered running the switchboard when she was a little girl and when she was living with her grandparents, Chris and Sarah (Beck) Munday.
After Sam Gilmore built his store, the Post Office was moved there and he became the Postmaster. He was also Constable and Justice of the Peace. The old building burned several years after the picture was taken.