Sex ain't free ever and it happens a lot less when you marry.
Fishing, hunting. MDing and football take a big back seat to gardening.
The guest room ain't for guests, it's for her mother.
You best buy a car/truck with fold down seats cause if you screw up you're sleeping in it.
When you sit down to your favorite meal you better hide your wallet.
When folks say they are "happily married" they are lying their butts off.
If Jared's, Tiffany and Nieman Marcus are next to each other, "he went to Jared's" ain't gonna get it.
When car shopping for you, Corvette, Camaro and Mustang are forbidden words.
She loves opera, you love Vince Gill's "It's Hard to Kiss the Lips at Night That Chew Your Ass Out All Day Long".
Well, there are about a hundred more, but space don't permit.