Luck of the irish!!

NC field hunter

Silver Member
Jul 29, 2012
After work, I had time to go down to the lake and hunt a field. I did not have time to load my boat and didn't expect to find much. I'm always wrong. Sometimes being wrong works to my favor!! Look how lucky I got on this drill looking piece!


I found the tip of it a good ways away from the base. LUCK! I also found this point. It is a lithic I have never seen. It's super hard and heavy, and has a strange angel on the back of it. Any clue, any one, as to what type it is?



I also found this chalky thing. It looks like an eye in the center to me. Probably my imagination going nuts. Or, can y'all see it? Figured asking could not hurt.


Thanks for any advice!!

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Damm..nice!! Your not dipping into your Dads collection are you..LOL.

GatorBoy said:
Damm..nice!! Your not dipping into your Dads collection are you..LOL.

Nah, or else I would have claimed the ones earlier today!Lol! He went with me today. I always have better luck when he is there, puts competition in the air. He found one nice one. I'll post it in a sec. If he left it on the counter! Be right back!!

Here is what pops found today. Not too bad!!



This, I found in his truck. He said he found it over the weekend while running his rabbit dogs.



He said that he was entitled to a rock since I kept the chalky thing, so he kept this. I don't know if it is any thing or not?? You can see, I got it honest!



Don't quote me, but I think it is a bolen blade?? What I told him any Pops is pretty good!

Age_old said:
Wow, killer stuff. I see the eye, too; maybe it's some kind of pottery.

Ahhh! That was my thought. I don't think it will hold up, it is flakey. It has a reddish tint around the eye that makes me think it was heated or painted. Pops said "don't put that thing online. You'll look like a fool". I told him, "Won't be the first or last time". Glad you saw it too. Gives me a little more confidence!

NC field hunter said:
Ahhh! That was my thought. I don't think it will hold up, it is flakey. It has a reddish tint around the eye that makes me think it was heated or painted. Pops said "don't put that thing online. You'll look like a fool". I told him, "Won't be the first or last time". Glad you saw it too. Gives me a little more confidence!

It might be a rock, but you never know; I'm leaning towards artifact. It will be interesting to see what others think.

Your dad sounds like a cool guy, and he has made some really nice finds, too.

Don't be afraid to post everything, that's how we all learn. Every year I learn much more about artifacts, so once a year or so I look though my 'junk' boxes. I always find stuff I didn't notice the year before :laughing7:

Age_old said:
It might be a rock, but you never know; I'm leaning towards artifact. It will be interesting to see what others think.

Your dad sounds like a cool guy, and he has made some really nice finds, too.

Don't be afraid to post everything, that's how we all learn. Every year I learn much more about artifacts, so once a year or so I look though my 'junk' boxes. I always find stuff I didn't notice the year before :laughing7:

He is a great guy, and has a better eye than I'll ever have. I get lucky once in a while. Just as the old timers you mentioned earlier, he leaves nice pieces in his truck. As long as he finds them and has fun doing it. That piece is too frail to be a rock. It could be a dirt clot (boy, the "o" and "I " are too close together. I almost spelled a doosy"

Ahhh! That was my thought. I don't think it will hold up, it is flakey. It has a reddish tint around the eye that makes me think it was heated or painted. Pops said "don't put that thing online. You'll look like a fool". I told him, "Won't be the first or last time". Glad you saw it too. Gives me a little more confidence!

hey are a good be a good boy and listen to what your Dad said

larson1951 said:
hey are a good be a good boy and listen to what your Dad said

I always try!! Some times I must not hear him right!lol

natchitoches said:
sweet day. you go man!!

Thanks man! I wasn't expecting to find much at all. Probably won't for a while now. The tobacco has all been pulled. That makes for much better visibility. Deer season just came in also. That will cause me to lose lots of field time. Instead of finding an arrowhead, I may find an arrow in my head if I'm not cautious. Lol!

Very nice finds.:icon_thumleft:

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