Luck as a Factor?


Hero Member
Nov 8, 2006
N. Alabama
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-terra 70, AT Pro, Tesoro Tejon, ML X-terra 50
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I believe it the same no matter what you do. Consistency will eventually pay off. Keep at it and keep reading these posts for motivation. The good stuff will come out of ground for you. It won't happen all at once and it won't happen every day but it WILL happen. HH

Luck favors the prepared.

If you've done some research you tip the odds your way. You won't find any coins or relics where there aren't any.

But there will always be the odd incedental drop or happenstance find that only luck might have put you on. In that case, luck favors the guy who puts the most time and effort into hunting carefully and doesn't let his attention drift.

"I seem to be finding a lot of junk, but no goodies. I'm getting real good at finding the junk, so I know my machine is working as advertised."

Sure you bought the right machine??? LOL


"luck favors the well prepared" very famous and true saying---while it helps to be "lucky" skilled is often better---a skilled poker player vs lucky ---skills come out on top 99 % of the time. althought there the 1% few rare cases.---look for area that used to be the classy areas of town ---P.S. they may not be the "ritzy" areas of today ---for older finds--silver coins and such---modern day popular hang out for middle to upscale kids---parks and such---tot lot areas in upscale areas where mom might lose a ring pushing lil suzy on the swings / slides at parks can be a hot spot for change too esp the twisty type slides / ---monkey or "money" bars --kids just have to hook their feet and hang "upside down"---the coins fall out---look carefully with a eye as to where folks land "jumping" off the swings ---the impact zone jars loose money out and for high use zones and playing feild areas---they gotta be using them-- to "lose" at them. ** be warned you might not be the "lone ranger"--- you might have "other" hunters in the area if so you might have to get creative in where you hunt to lessen the pressure and get "fresh spots"--- try asking "private" homes and such---let me know if this helps you any---good luck---Ivan

How's your Karma ? ;D Try Bringing a friend or a loved one even a stranger can give you a boost in good Karma.

Keep @ it and HH!!

MUD(S.W.A.T) said:
How's your Karma ? ;D Try Bringing a friend or a loved one even a stranger can give you a boost in good Karma.

Keep @ it and HH!!


don't know anyone named Karma. ;) ;D
Sure as heck will not bring any strangers on
my locations in the woods. ;)

They may be after all my horseshoes. >:(

have a good un.........

Luck is where skill and preparation meet opportunity. (yes that is mine, but feel free to use it all you like)

Luck can play a factor, but you're more likely to be lucky when you're prepared. I'll use the "blackjack" example. If all you know about blackjack is that you need to get higher than the dealer and not go over 21... you're not very prepared, and probably won't be very lucky. If on the other hand you know when to split, when to double down, and the statistical probablilites of your hand and the house.... then you will be able to capitalize on the moments that make you appear lucky to the novice.

luck does play a factor... but you'll be more lucky if you're more prepared

1-luck has a lot to do with it. 2-putting yourself in spots that can produce old stuff also has a lot to do with it. if you do the second one, luck will eventually catch up with you.

Being fairly new to hunting, I rely on luck and am working on the skills and being prepared by paying attention to detail. I also rely on a woman's intuition, something you guys lack.........LOL

Hmmm.... My first signal I dug last Sun. was a very old horseshoe and I thought WOW this may be my lucky day!!!! Didn't find much else, but had a good day in the woods anyhow. Sooner or later the good finds will appear( I hope) LOL

These are all great responses here, which all say pretty much the same thing, which should be very encouraging to you!

I have dug up more than my share of junk over the years. I find a much bigger array of junk at old homesites and farms. More tabs, caps, and foil at party places. Some of the party spots have been popular since the "olden days", before tabs, caps, or foil. The good stuff is there for the one that is willing to dig all the junk.

My way of looking at it is the same as the rest of the TNET'rs.

What you find is luck! How much you find is skill! So, the more skill you have, the luckier you can be!

The next, most important thing that you need to know, is one thing that should tie all of this together for you.

Percentages! When anyone goes out detecting, there is a likelyhood that the most common coin that will be found, is the U.S. Cent. If you were to go to an old homesite, or a farm, the bulk of the finds will be mostly iron,(provided you are hunting in a dig all mode). The most common coin found at these sites is still going to be the U.S. Cent. The percentages hold true for the party spots, picnic groves, swimming holes, etc.

Example: One of us here posts their latest finds. They went to an old picnic spot. They have found a Large Cent, a couple IH's, half a dozen Wheaties, a Buffalo and a War Nickel. We post congrats, and tell them to go back! We say; There has to be some silver there! They go back another time or two, and then they post; Finally found silver at the old picnic spot. They were playing the percentages and didn't even realize it.

I hope this makes some sense for you. Don't give up on some of those junk spots. All it means is that a lot of people use that spot.

Good luck!................HH

for proof of percentage just dump your pocket change out tonight---look at at the balance of coinage --as the value of the coin goes up the numbers of them go down---normally also folks have more $1 bills then 50's in their pockets on a "normal day" I'd bet ;D Ivan

If you live near mountains, woods or in a very rural area, try searching those out of the way places to locate old homesites and cabins.

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