Lost Confederate Treasury: A Great Book for Research

Old Bookaroo

Silver Member
Dec 4, 2008
For anyone seriously interested in the story of the Lost Confederate Treasury, I would highly recommend William C. Davis' An Honorable Defeat; The Last Days of the Confederate Government (San Diego, California: 2001). Mr. Davis has written a number of very good books on the Civil War. I found this to be a very interesting, well-researched, and reliable account of the end of the Civil War.

I don't think Confederate Treasury hunters will find much encouragement in this book. But they will find some very solid information.

There is also a wonderful story about the Confederate Government fleeing South. While resting they stay at a home and several senior members begin playing marbles with a boy who lives there. It is a great scene!

PS: As is so often true with very good books, there is as much useful information to be found in the footnotes and bibliography as there is in the text. I suspect an enthusiast could take this book as a starting point for a lifetime of research.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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while william c davis has been considered by many to be such a great civil war historian i will have to disagree with you...i have read and researched a few of his books and wouldn't give a minutes notice or 2 cents for another one....many writers who call themselves or are called historians sit back and breeze through many older well known works, ''official records'', and news articles and then write their ''own version'' of history as they see it through the several earlier writers works....that is about as useful as watching 10 reruns of popeye and then clipping this from that version, that from this version, and adding it all together for a new version.....if mr davis were as great as many think, he would instead be searching through special collections, archives, old letters, diaries, etc, looking for the many pieces of the puzzle that are missing to see what he could learn instead of zeroing in on the history as we were taught in grade school and rewriting it to suit his audience.....another thing about davis is a quote he made in an article i read that stated more or less there were no honorable men in the South during the war, and that seriously pisses me off.............g

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