Not quite sure what this item is... Has the Dates and Company right on it says on the bottom verbatim... "A. Schraders Son, Inc. N.Y PAT.MAR .27-1906 & OCT 27 1908"....
It looks like an original Mickey Mouse home electrocution kit just screw into light socket. but other than that i would guess a plug to take out to prime a water pump or to bleed air out of a water system.
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Correct. It specified hot water BAGS, not bottles.
Note also that Google Patents lists the inventor's name wrong.
They state: "G.H.P. Sghrader". It is actually "George H. F. Schrader".