Looking in N. Illinois.

You might start with a written contract between you and the land owner that covers not only permission to dig, but also what division (and how is it divided or compensated) that will be mutually agreed upon prior to 'treasure' being found.
Don in SoCal (formerly, Lake Co., Ill)

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I searched the Rockford IL ordinances and did not find anything prohibiting metal detecting. Below are the Metal detecting rules for the Rockford parks.

Section 9.21 Metal Detecting
To maintain Park District grounds and facilities and to ensure citizen safety, metal detecting is permitted at non-prohibited sites of Park District property (see prohibited list below) by permit only. The permit must be obtained through the Customer Experience Office of the Rockford Park District. Individuals who are engaged in metal detecting must do so within the guidelines prescribed through the permit related to removal of found items, JULIE guidelines, tools allowed and replacement of earth/non-disturbance of existing shrubs, trees or flowers. Metal detecting activities may not interfere with the enjoyment of the park’s activities or use by other individuals.

The required metal detecting permit must be on the metal detector’s person when they are utilizing RPD parks and facilities for metal hunting and must be shown upon request by Rockford Park District personnel or Park District Police.

Metal detecting is prohibited at: Aldeen Golf Course, Atwood Park, Beattie Park, Burpee Museum, Ekberg-Pine Park, Ingersoll Golf Course, Manor Park, Mercyhealth Sportscore One, Mercyhealth Sportscore Two, Midway Village, Riverfront Museum Park, Sandy Hollow Golf Course, Sinnissippi Golf Courses, Tinker Swiss Cottage, and Rockford Park District leased property such as Alpine Hills Adventure Park, Harlem Community Center Sports Complex, and Standfield Beach.

Code of Ordinances 11/25/2024

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