We are going to start looking for a missing airforce jet(T-33a) that crashed in the ocean near where i live. It is actually in a bay, we believe. The navy did a pretty big search at the time but found nothing, but I have a pretty good lead from a retired fisherman as where to start. I don't think the plane would be recognizable on a side scan due to age in the water, marine growth, and probable break up on impact. Is there a good way to locate possibly scattered aircraft wreckage among rocks/ledges and marine growth such as kelp/seaweed? I think some pieces of the wreckage may be large pieces such as a wing, tail, or part of the fuselage, but after nearly 50 years underwater they will be hard to recognize. We thought about starting in the spot where the fisherman puts us, and doing 100 foot circles using metal detectors and wreck reels on scuba equipment. I also thought about a magnetometer but there is LOTS of old lobster traps(steel wire) in the area and having never used one, we may miss it, especially since it was mostly aluminum anyway. I know this isn't treasure, but somewhere there is a family that has been missing a loved one for a long time, I thought as long as we're looking for stuff, we should look for the plane. Any ideas would be appreciated.