Hi again,
Fisher PI is a beautifoul well designet maschine, i strongly advice not to modify. If you are new to the hobby, i suggest you to put it asside for a while (sell it and you might be sorry later) ahd start with a VLF such as Garret ACE or similar. Later, when you'll develop more experiences and more "depth" desire the Fisher might come handy. And now, if you do not mind, a word about PIs and VLFs. These are two completely different devices, difficult (or impossible) to compare. In short, the VLF will give you everything (discrimination, depth information, shape, image of target, conductivity etc...) but it will not go deeper than 1m (good devices, measured in air) and it will not (or poor) work well under the sea (salt) water. Considering an average forrest European soil where the energy dissipiation rises with the 6th power of distance, the VLF story will end with 40, 50 cm of depth (good, expensive detectors). The PIs, on the other hand, are machines designet to go deep (and perform well under the sea water) but will provide no (or pore) extra inormation about the target. I found trash with mine at 3m+, but i've seen devices going as deep as 10m. This is true however for large (at least as big as the searching coil is, and those may be of 1m or 2m diameter or more) targets, but for small targets (coins) both devices are rather in the same range. I have tested one of Minelab's finest (VLF) and mine Miner 4 (PI) in a 1 EUR coin in my backyard. The minelab gave a signal at 18 cm and mine reported it at 20cm. Not a big difference after all.
Hope this help