Dug an old railroad site were a steam engine was said to have exploded. Found lots of spikes , random iron, track connectors, etc. I don't know much about railroad history but this was a hunt put together by a metal detecting club i belong to and it was a fun day( weather getting better in the high plains
. As we were getting ready to leave I hit a pretty big iron target and decided to dig one more hole. This piece is thick at the top and tapers down on the bottom. It is concave and has the # 20 on it. I'm guessing it might be part of a boiler? When I got home I went to a local park that has an old steam engine on display to see if I could ID This iron. I couldn't see anything that looked the same on the engine but this display features an iron fence made by an old railroader that welded parts , pieces, and tools together that he had found over the years walking the rails into a fence around his yard and was dedicated to this engine/display that he worked on. As I was walking around the outer fence (his folk art fence is protected) I saw the exact piece of iron i found today only painted black and not fractured, the last pic is of that. Thanks for reading this long story and I hope some of you railroad experts can tell me what this is.