Came from early 1800’s farm.
Measures 3x4x1/2”.
No letters or numbers stamped anywhere I can see and not cleaning any further.
Not sure if the design above the key hole is supposed to be a crucifix or not. I haven’t been able to find one like it. Any help appreciated.
Your lock's design is what lock-collectors call a "Smoke House" padlock. Yours had a move-able brass keyhole-cover (called a "dust guard"), which unfortunately is mostly broken off. Having no markings, all I can tell you about its age is that it is from sometime in the 1800s. You will find more info (and maybe a match-up) in the Smoke House padlocks section at the excellent Antique Padlocks website: Smoke House Padlocks - Antique Padlocks
With the general shape and the shape of keyhole, I wouldn't be surprised if you have a British padlock. If it is British, then it can easily be earlier. Most US smokehouse padlocks date from late 1850's to 1890's with the 70's and 80's being the hayday. Good luck.
Yes it's possible. The Brits were here for some time and the town was founded in the 1600's. I had to send an email to the link CannonballBallGuy posted. Nothing with all the makers and styles listed had that crucifix look. I would think it would be a Standout to those who collect.
Thanks for the info.