Local Club Hunt


Gold Member
Oct 4, 2004
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Sounds like it was well worth the $10 Stoney. I went to my first hunt last Saturday and had a blast. I'm going to take some pics and post them soon.


Whew! Finally got rested and now back in recovery. Left work at 630PM Fri., packed, ate, checked the forum one last time Fri. nite, and left for Dallas at Midnight. Got there at 530AM nonstop driving except one stop for gas. Had a little breakfast, got the name tag and was ready to hunt. 4 fast hunts back to back then lunch. Then 2 hunts back to back and a little rest till main hunt. After the hunts were over, stayed around for ticket drawings and got ready to leave. Unfortunately no tokens this time around but only because the coil never went over one. Left at 500PM and got home at about 11PM again with only one stop for gas.
Was it financially rewarding? No. Will I go back next year? Heck yeah! Got to meet new people and renew friendships from several years ago. Got to meet Keith Wills from WWATS and let him know that would see him next weekend in Antlers.
Here's a few pics from the hunt.


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Here's a few more. There's a bag with what's left of $1 bill with a wheat penny for the detector to sound off on. It was in the ground for at least 2 years and was only about an inch down. Just goes to show that an area the size of a baseball infield with 75-100 MDers going over it for 20 minutes still can't get it all. ;)


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Stoney! :o

Wow! Thats a lot a great stuff!!!

Nana ;)

Good deal stoney!



Our club had its hunt a couple weeks ago. $15.00 entry fee.
I ended up with a nice 1922 Peace dollar, an 1877 Seated quarter, and $2.80 face in silver.
I think the club had to pay 4 times face for the common silver.

Bk, sounds like some good coins! Right now I think it's up to 5X.
One other thing happened during the hunts. Something my granddad told me a long time ago-always keep baling wire and duct tape in all your vehicles for emergencies.
Halfway through one hunt, guess because of all the bending, I noticed that the inside of my leg was feeling cooler than 92 degree weather should allow. :-[ Yep, the seam of the jeans gave way but what can you do? The pouch was moved a little further west and the hunt continued-after all, everyone is looking at the ground anyway. ;D
Me being the dummy didn't pack another pair and low and behold, I forgot to listen to what granddad was trying to tell me all those years. :(
I did manage to track down some duct tape during a break and made quick repairs. I kept it in place long enough to get enough gas in the Jeep to make it home without further embarrassment.

But I did learn a couple of things 1) Be prepared for anything (Now have tape, baling wire, and safety pins handy, and 2) Ladies< I now know why you scream so loud when you hot wax. ;D

Don't forget WD-40.

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