I received this today and I think it's a livery button. It is about 2 .25" in diameter, made of brass or bronze (and is quite heavy). I think the animal is a fox and I'm thinking the livery button may represent a hunting club.
Any thoughts?
I don't really see buttons that are later and made that way called livery. There is a class of buttons that are referred to as hunting buttons, so maybe that's where it falls. That gets me curious how new a button can be and still be considered a livery.
I just talked with Helene Sage who wrote the consummate reference book on bridle rosettes. She says this is a bridle rosette and the figure represents a family crest ( like a livery button only a whole lot bigger and heavier). She thinks the figure is that of a mythical creature. She also says it's a very rare find! Yippee!!!!
More news about this rosette. It's not a bridle rosette. It's a HARNESS rosette (much too big to be put on a bridle where it would bang against the head of some poor horse!). Helene Sage who wrote the book, "Bridle Rosettes--Two Hundred Years of Equine Adornment" is a friend and she checked this rosette out and found that it was made by the Pfleuger Manufacturing Co. which made many rosettes back in the latter half of the 19th century. This one was, according to Helene, made for a specific family and was probably modeled after some of the family crests in Europe. It is indeed a mythical figure...probably similar to a Griffin. She says it's a very rare find. Cool!!!!
Thanks for your responses everyone!