"Over the coming months, Council members will be working to better define our goals in approaching future legislative efforts..."
So in essence this initial bill is only the beginning. Well put words. Well since the current legislation is already so biased against the casual MD'er, seems an air of cooperation and compromise will only kill our hobby altogether.
WWATS is now anouncing EVERYTHING HAS BEEN GUTTED FROM THE BILL except to hire a State Archeologist, & are Declaring a Victory. I'm still Skepiical www.wwats.org
Good repsonses. Someone has their thinking caps on.
An FMDAC officer announced the COVA response sounded like an opportuinty for some meaningful dialog. I don't think he was joking.
It is not time for an inzone dance either.
The archaeologists position was created to accomplish the tasks in 2078. Just cause we took a few sections out doesn't mean it won't be business as usual. Only way we win is to get rid of the position. They may find other funding but I hope not. If they ge the slot they will try to implement it all.
I've read some of the posts on the FMDAC forum and whenever I see handwringing, willingness to compromise or other weakness I am very unimpressed. The other side does not want compromise but will seek it in a second in order to get their way in incremental steps. Every conciliatory comment is a feather in their cap.
Of course there is always room for "dialogue" but not with those who have demonstrated their true intentions and want you shut down. The dialogue needs to take place between the MD'ing community and the public and it's representatives. An unelected, unrepresentative position that determines your past time as legal or not is just plain wrong.