Leftists believe in gun control - their control


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Golden Thread
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Leftist's believe in gun control - their control

I'm not going to post any articles on this thread - just post it and see what it leads to.

There are 5 classes of Americans:

Government Elite

SHTF ??? What if?

Everything stops - chaos, no electricity, no food, no protection....

The "Uninformed" class? Will they taste like chicken?

At least the recipient class knows how to survive.....


While I don't like trying to put individuals into groups - your roster isn't in the proper order.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Maybe there is one more category, King?

Its really hard to just "blanket" put everyone into a category. I am sure there are plenty of Americans who would say they dont fall into any of those groups. Im sure no one would be willing to admit they fall into the "uninformed" category. What about those who "just dont care". Also, what exactly is "government elite"? Seems like such a small group that it would be silly to give them their own category.

... Im sure no one would be willing to admit they fall into the "uninformed" category.

Shot in the dark here ... Why? Could it be that they ARE UNINFORMED?

What about those who "just dont care".

Is there any reason that someone would be uninformed in our society? Yes, because they "just don't care".

Also, what exactly is "government elite"? Seems like such a small group that it would be silly to give them their own category.

Government elite ... you REALLY don't know? Hate to be a name dropper but how about Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, BHO, the Klinton family (I'm in Arkansas and lived under Sick Willie for 8 years before he became president, so I definitely know of what I speak), Al Sharpton, etc.

Ah, but the power they exert on the uninformed as well as the informed is BIG. They get their own category because they hold more power than any of the others.


I kind of disagree with all your catagories. The only catagory that I agree with is your Government Elite who will not be affected. The rest are all just everyday,ordinary, people, of different political ideals who will all be affected badly by your scenario.

I guess it all would depend on how long everything stopped for. New Orleans and Katrina gave us all a preview of what would happen when the SHTF. In my opinion, if and when it ever does happen, it will be a couple of days before mass chaos will begin. In those first couple of days, there will be rioting and looting in the inner cities, and basically limited to there. As the days continue on, probably beyond the 3-5 day point and people realize there will be no authoritative enforcement of laws, the chaos will then spill out into the burbs and then out into the rural farming and ag areas as those from the cities who are used to being given, now start to go beyond their city limits demanding what they need and begin to feel they can just take what they want or need from whomever. That's the point when it will really hit the fan!

Being blessed with some acreage and livestock, out in a rural area about 60 miles from a major metroplex area, I have actually thought about this scenario and what if? Being who I am, I would take in as many friends and other people, of all colors, as I could onto my place. The limit of people would have to be determined by me and based on what we could safely handle, based on food stores, etc. We have a well and generator so water at first wouldn't be a problem. Every person residing on our property's safety at that point would have to understand that it would be them too who would be responsible for defending the property and all our families against rioters, street gangs and looters, with a shoot to kill order from me. If they are not willing to do that, they can leave! I honestly believe it would then be that serious a situation!

My neighbors are also willing to help all the people they can, but when the limit is reached and everyone's safety, health, and well being is then threatened by the low lifes that will be roaming and rioting too, warning shots will be a thing of the past. At that point, any waste of any ammunition would not be smart and a warning shot would be a waste!

Please understand too that any decent family of any race would be welcomed on my place, so this is not a racial thing of any kind for me. At the point when the mess has spilled out to here and it is really bad regarding rioting, rapes, theft by force, and all the rest, in my opinion, "shoot to kill" will be the only option to save one's family from a horrible disaster. Hell, these looters will most likely be armed to the teeth and shooting at us toget what they want anyway..

Again, truthfully, most of my rural neighbors and I have discussed the possibility of what you outlined and with only a couple of exceptions, all feel just as I do on all of it. I'll help all the people I can, and probably beyond to a degree, but will protect my family ANYWAY I have to. That's it in a nutshell. Hey, I'd even let liberals on the place too because by then they will have seen the error of their ways and why should they have to pay with their lives for being uninformed and foolish all those years!! LOL!

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