Lead Tobacco Pipe ?

diggin jimmy hoffa

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Oct 5, 2007
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That looks like one to me!! .. I have seen lead ones before. I have also seen lead bubble pipes.
Nice Find!

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creskol said:
That looks like one to me!! .. I have seen lead ones before. I have also seen lead bubble pipes.
Nice Find!

Any idea on age?

Guess I should have asked that in the original posting.

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lead candle snuffer top --hole was for a wood dowel type long rod * for tall high church type candles

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ivan salis said:
lead candle snuffer top --hole was for a wood dowel type long rod * for tall high church type candles

Now that I think of it, there was a old church just across from the park and down the road from where I found this.

Not doubting anyones input, just that the hole in the bottom of the bowl had me thinking other wise.

Would the hole go through into the bowl though?


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Looks like a smoking pipe to me but I have no idea how old it is. I've only seen clay ones down here.

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I'm guessing it is not a tobacco pipe because I think it would rapidly become too hot hold.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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yes it would go all the way thru - the wooden rod would just end in it -- likely it was fasten on by some sort of glue -or else "pressure fitted" with the wood just in bit big and the lesd part force fitted on --with a church near by it "fits"--- catholic churches ( like the one I attend) and many others as well often have quite tall "holy" candles that one has to have a long handled candle snuffers to reach the top of to put them out with after service is over. --as well as long handled "lighters" to light them with. :wink: :icon_thumright:

as a former 30 year pipe smoker ( i quit in 2007)--- I would say this -- lead would make a lousy tobbaco pipe --it would rapidly heat up and become too hot to handle * -- and it would taint the flavor of the tobbaco --one of the reason's that tobbaco pipes --"tobacco bowls" were made of wood or clay in the old days --is most metal taints the taste and flavor * of burning tobacco most unpleasently.

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ivan salis said:
yes it would go all the way thru - the wooden rod would just end in it -- likely it was fasten on by some sort of glue -or else "pressure fitted" with the wood just in bit big and the lesd part force fitted on --with a church near by it "fits"--- catholic churches ( like the one I attend) and many others as well often have quite tall "holy" candles that one has to have a long handled candle snuffers to reach the top of to put them out with after service is over. --as well as long handled "lighters" to light them with. :wink: :icon_thumright:

as a former 30 year pipe smoker ( i quit in 2007)--- I would say this -- lead would make a lousy tobbaco pipe --it would rapidly heat up and become too hot to handle * -- and it would taint the flavor of the tobbaco --one of the reason's that tobbaco pipes --"tobacco bowls" were made of wood or clay in the old days --is most metal taints the taste and flavor * of burning tobacco most unpleasently.
Thanks ivan for the insight.

Check mark going up next to this one.


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Good point about becoming too hot.

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Your right about leaving little doubt Creskol. Now that I've seen one and know that they exist, I've now got to go out and find one for my collection.

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Agree Creskol. Pretty definitive. I found a crude made one from a late 1700's site. I guess their hands were like leather and the pipe kept them warm in the winter!

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TomPA said:
Agree Creskol. Pretty definitive. I found a crude made one from a late 1700's site. I guess their hands were like leather and the pipe kept them warm in the winter!

Such a strange material. Lead and Pewter have low melting points. Interesting! Great ID! :thumbsup:

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humm so guess their were pewter pipes * pewter is a alloy that has lead in it * -- go figger--- ??? still think that the one he found is a candle snuffer , however --the teat on the bottom of what would be the "bowl" of it looks like those on old candle snuffers :wink:

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I wonder if they smoked candle snuffers? :dontknow:

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I know of a india rubber pipe that was found in a Civil War trench grave. Now, that would have been some bad smoking!

I guess a little lead in with all the bad stuff of tobacco just kills you a little faster. I am very surprised that they made copper, lead, or pewter pipes. Amazing the stuff you learn!

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