🥇 BANNER Last hunt with Iron Patch and claimed "Victory" - Rare early cufflink!


Jr. Member
Oct 9, 2008
🥇 Banner finds
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Etrac CTX
It was my last hunt in the Iron Patch stomping ground and we returned to the site where he had dug the Machin's Mills halfpenny and I was not left disappointed. In fact, I could not wait to get home before posting this one up! I've dug a few bits here and there this trip, enough for a decent post with yesterday and today, but sites are tough, so this find both saved the day and my hunt in general... as far as getting a good keeper on this trip.

Targets were much more plentiful than either of us had expected and about half way through our 4 hour hunt I dig this cufflink and seeing the anchors I knew immediately I had something good. I walked over and showed IP and said Navy?... he said no, not really. I then said Marines... and he said not that either and these don't seem to have been issued by the military. Then I handed them over and he said... "There's words on there, I've never seen that before! Not on a cufflink with an early anchor design" So that got my interest too. :tongue3: We could see a letter N, but I was clueless what it said. Later in the hunt IP got my attention and said that it's going to say Nelson! As in Horatio Lord Nelson! He said he had seen other patriotic cufflinks with British Royal Navy Admiral's names and he was very sure the N would be for Nelson, and he was right! Then at the car I said there was another word, and he said I bet it's going to be "Victory" ... and he was right again! Once back to his place he did a quick cleaning and I now have this rare and beautiful Navy associated cufflink to go in my collection. I really had no idea about this, but seeing his reaction it's all I needed to know I had something special. :headbang: Thanks again IP... you're the best, just never on the last hunt. :laughing7:

Late 1700s/early 1800s British Royal Navy - Lord Nelson Patriotic Victory cufflink.


  • thumbnail_20160714_184350.jpg
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Upvote 62
I like my copper but you stole the hunt with that one! I can't really imagine a cufflink I'd be happier to find here so you definitely have my banner vote for that one. Pretty rare and one of the best cufflinks ever posted on here.

Congratulations on a very unique and special find. Very nice keeper.

Spectacular cuff links finds and "congrats" to you and thanks for sharing your picture and story and wish you many more while out dirt fishin.

Texas ED

If I just zigged when I should have zagged the last time I was in that field ......
Beautiful piece of history, you should be very proud of that one!

Gorgeous find! Very nice!


Very nice find. Congrats on stealing the show!

That is certainly a beautiful and rare piece of history right there...Congrats...Isn't IP the best host!!
Banner Vote going in...


Good going on the rare cufflinks and in pretty decent shape given the age.

Regards + HH


Absolutely love those cufflinks and I'm voting Banner! I'm curious about the shanks. Are they "soldered on" loops or "cast in" drilled eye wedge?

Thanks for sharing the post that is history I would love to find amazing wow!!!!!!

Damn those are incredible!!!! You get my BANNER vote. And I am damn happy it was your coil that went over the links and not his. Those sure would have helped out in our friendly little competition ��

Damn those are incredible!!!! You get my BANNER vote. And I am damn happy it was your coil that went over the links and not his. Those sure would have helped out in our friendly little competition ��

I would have been close too! Was right in the area he dug them, and several times too. Most finds were in iron so it was about working out signals that might not have been the strongest sounding, and sometimes just the angle you swing makes it or breaks it. I know these well enough to say it's a pretty damn rare find, and I'm sure would make any Nelson collector a little giddy.

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