I've been waiting to see if somebody else could correctly explain the LARGE "flats" (you could call them "facets") on EnvoyTTMP's lead find. DCMatt is correct, as usual... being rolled around on the bottom of a river (by strong current) naturally creates a rounded shape... like you see on ocean-surf pebbles. But instead, Envoy's lead object has large flat facets, looking very much like a natural Amandite Garnet crystal.
So, I'm happy to see somebody step up with "on the right track" information. Dug wrote:
> The dents remind me of what it would look like if it were some sort of lead shot from an artillery round but the size is what puts me off on going that direction as all the lead rounds I have seen were .69 round ball size.
The object in the photo posted by Dug (to show what he is talking about) is a scarce "compacted" lead case-shot (antipersonnel) ball from an exploded civil war 3" Hotchkiss Case-Shot shell. Sometimes, under rare circumstances, the thick iron "pusher plate" at the bottom of that type of shell's case-shot ball chamber would have the effect of "compacting" the entire group of lead balls, as if they were inside a trash-compacter. The result is what you see in Dug's photo... a lead ball which got so thoroughly compacted with the other balls inside a thick-walled chamber that it wound up looking like a Pomegranate kernel. (I've seen a few others, found on civil war battlefields. They were mysterious, until I finally saw a broken-open nose section of a 3" Hotchkiss Case-Shot, with the all compacted lead balls still inside it, again looking like a section of a torn-open Pomegranate.
One of the photos below shows some battlefield-dug compacted Hotchkiss case-shot balls.
But as Dug noted, EnvoyTTMP's compacted lead ball is a good bit larger than Dug's compacted lead Hotchkiss case-shot ball. I think the answer to the mystery is, Envoy's find is a compacted lead ball from a French-&-Indian War "Quilted Grapeshot." That type of artillery projectile is known to have sometimes contained lead balls instead of iron ones... and those lead balls ranged in diameter from 1 to 2-inches, depending on the caliber of the projectile.