Slim pickins this morning but i did manage an 1848 LC..made me happy..also got military button that looks like it was attached to clothing with wire..other than that just a 1919 wheatie...thanks HH
Yeah I know what you mean..I'm especially surprised because as I said this field is not kind to copper we've found alot of wheaties and a few Indians toasted.. An old old guy stopped and asked how I was making out so I showed him my coin still encrusted in dirt (I thought it was in decent shape so I wasn't gonna rub the dirt off and waited till I can get to the car and run a bottle of water over it) so what did the the old guy do? Starts rubbing the dirt off!! LOL I asked him to stop but it was a little late,some of the patina was rubbed off of her face..Oh well, It's all good