Large cache of coins from Uncles estate.


Jr. Member
Aug 1, 2004
Wild Wild West
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

My uncle recently passed away and we have been cleaning up his home in an efort to get a listing of assets for probate court and to sell the property. We have found caches of coins and currency throughout the house. Many of the coins are from the 1800's. I never thought that the caches I would find would be in a relatives house without the use of a metal detector. each new find is just as exciting as the last. We have found them everywhere, in shoe boxes, old tins, hidden in bookshelves, under beds, in sacks, rolled etc. We have found a large ammount of jewelry as well.

My question to all is, Do you know of a company who is able to certify these coins here in Oklahoma? Do you know about how much they charge for a coin to be graded? Many hav been protected with a sleeve and stored in trays. Others are loose silver and wheats. We had over 127 pounds of pennys which were not wheat pennys. Alot of Bicentenial coins, some steelies, one gold five dollar coin, all beautifilly preserved. The newer coins I am not real worried about certifying, but the older coins I am sure would bring a sizable sum of money.

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Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Sorry for your loss,can't help with your question.Must be real exciting making all tho's finds when it's already in your blood.With all you have found so far it must make every un-open box and tin an exciting moment.Good luck

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Sorry about your Uncle. If you are interested in selling, I would find an auctioneer to catalogue and appraise the items.

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Altiman, First we are sorry for your loss and it sounds from what you have found your uncle knew the value of what he saved.
1st let me address the issue of Probate and the Courts. I hope all the relatives get along and your uncle provided in his will some specifics. The state will take there share of these assets and you must be very carefull with valuations.Get a Good Attorney!
2nd. I would not send any of these coins anywhere for grading. I would call an expert dealer with a good reputation and have the collection sorted before he came to your attorney office or some other midway point to meet and examine the collection in your presence and in the presence of a witness IE your attorney. Good Luck and Let us know how you make out. sounds like your uncle has left you a life changing amount here.Congratulations if we can say that?

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Thanks for your sympathies, and for the advice.

Yes, Jarman we would be sitting at the table looking over some of the coins when someone else would holler, "Found some more coins." It was incredible to be a part of the process. The home was built in the 1890's and the lower level had 12 foot celings. The furnishings are all antique victorian and it made me feel like we had stepped back in time.

Thanks for the links Buckram. They are just what I was looking to find. DJ_Quinn, good idea about the auction. I have suggested using Christie's or Southerby's for some of the big items. I had no idea there was so many valuables in the house. We have moved the smaller items into safety deposit boxes already.

Thanks to you too Floater you always have good advice to give. We have an lawyer and he has advised us on the taxes and valuing the coins. I think one in particular is worth an phenominal value and the auction idea would be the best way to make sure everyone gets their share of the coin price. Most of this is believed to have been passed down through several generations of our family. Sad to loos another family member. He was quite a cutup and interesting man. I still cannot get over how much was in one house. I will have to take some pictures and post.

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Altiman it seems you have this well under control. Another thought came to mind also and this is something your act and attorney can help with. With certain items that have historic and or an appeal to a Museum sometimes a loan or donation to the Museum can offset some of the tangible taxesyou will incurr. It also lets the history become available to the public and not just the Privat collector. And in fact most prestigou collectors have most of there collections on Loan so to speak to Museums around the World. You should consider these options as well. The benifits are great to all partys concerned usually and like I said you are also letting the Public interst have a chance too. Keep us informed . I know this is a lot to deal with but if you dont need the money then there is no rush. remeber you didnt have it before now so a few months of prepation and planning is nothing but a small sacrifice of time. HH

PS Tell Jarman the Beer is made and I'll Trade him one your coins for a fresh Brew. LOL. OK I'll send you one too. ;D

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

My grandmother had her coin collection appraised by a professional and he stole all the good stuff!! She called the cops and they couldn't do anything about it! Be careful bud.

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

check around alot of the bigger auction houses have specialty sales where they would put a coin collection, in pieces, in an auction along with other collections. that way they attract more interested buyers here is a decent online aucton house Heritage Numismatic Auctions

sorry about your uncle, but good luck with the collection


Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

I'm sorry about your loss. But i'm happy for you about your gain.

I would like to know if i have family like that, but i've been afraid to look.
Afraid i'll find my family tree has no branches

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Altiman, No one can really tell you what to do. Just use good common since! Did your uncle have any children still living? I Hope the uncle left a Will? and if so, who are the heirs? If He didn't have Will, Then=????? Do what you think right! And could you legally be in the house going over things? As next of kin, likely you could. Who is the Probater? You? As you see there's a lot we dont know. Your uncle left all he has to someone or to you all to fight over. May it turn out great for all conserned.

Re: Large cache of coins from Uncle's estate.

Thanks for all the posts. Yes, I too have concerns about the honesty of coin dealers and appraisers.. I have heard some of the horror stories. Havin been in one other estate settlement I have learned to CYA religiously.

My uncle was married and aunt Celeste died a couple of years back. They did not have any children and my aunt was estranged from her family. They had some very explicit wills filed with the state and the division of property. The coins were not mentioned in the will. We have come to believe that he had kept them for himself from his mother and aunt who had died back in the 70's. My father and other family members believe this to be true. (enough of the dirty laundry). It happens.

We have only two heirs to be concerned with at this point. My father and a cousin (who represent the two branches of the family remaining.) So it makes distribution easy. We have put them (coins) all in safety deposit boxes and have a spreadsheet listing the details of each coin in the collection along with the other valuables in he estate. The survivors are close and there is a pretty good sum going to my father and cousin in addition to the coins. The lawyer has a copy of everything removed from the house as well as the contents of what remains. I probably shoud scan them for idenification purposes. Then I will post some of the little beauties.

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