i know where a stone structure or small rock house is.its old its on the east side of 79 .its on the original wagon road that used to take you from Beaumont to Hemet .. (33.900834, -117.003896) and there is a deep mine shaft 20 feet straight down then takes off heading south for who knows how far it is close to the beacon and there is 3 smaller tunnels ...better hurry before its all gone and turned into track homesThe REAL question is just exactly where the homestead was, I have been to the area many times and have tried to locate the spot with no avail.It said that is on the " east " side, but there are two canyons and one goes kinda deep.
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yogood detectors and experience, let me know if u need helpNadie puede leer esto... pero tengo una foto de la granja Lamb en Lamb Canyon, Ca. Soy descendiente de Elijah y Harietta Lamb. Me interesaría cualquier foto de la zona o cualquier otra información que se pueda pasar. Gracias. nicki fuller