Lake Front Hunt

Pocket Spill

Bronze Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Hit the park area that is just south of Irving Park Road between Lake Shore Drive and the Lake for almost 2 hours this morning. It was a morning of "10s" - 10 clad quarters, 10 clad dimes and 10 pennies but one was a nice 1928 wheatie. Had the discrimination set pretty high given how trashy the ground is there.

PocketSpill, first off, welcome to the forum. The location you speak of is a pretty good location once you get past the trash (check out my post on the hunt last weekend). What kind of detector are you using? Good luck, hope to run into you some day. Not literally...but, you know. lol


I am using a Fisher F70 I recently bought and am still getting used to this machine. Hope to run into you someday also. I live on the north side of Chicago and am just starting to get back into metal detecting after a 20 year hiatus. Use to go when I was kid in northwestern Illinois. Just started trying some Chicago Parks.

Hey Pocketspill,
Fill me in on that F70 also. Saw Bill Ladd's video on it and am interested in how it does in trash.

Whereabouts in the NW area you from? Planning an Apple River Canyon area hunt around Labor Day. Probably hit Warren or Stockton where available also.

The F70 is a very sensitive machine and I am still trying to get use to it and it is very site/soil condition sensitive. Here in Chicago I have just had it at some local Chicago Park District Parks. There is one park on the northwest side of Chicago I have taken it to three times. The place is very trashy. I turn the discrimination to about 55 on discrimination and the the only trash I pick up is aluminum twist tops which register at about 60 on the target identification number which is where zinc pennies also show up. Copper pennies show up from about 67 to 72, dimes about 72 to 78 and quarters about 79 to early 80s. In the 3 times I have went to this particular park I have found about 150 coins - all modern U.S. pennies, dimes and quarters except a 1917 and 1946 wheatie and oddly enough a canadian dollar coin Deepest coin has been about 7.5 inches. I have not tried to notch nickels back yet as shown in the video. Using these settings, I rarely dig any trash since I have given up on zinc pennies since half the ones I have found are too chewed up and corroded. When I hunt this site I rarely dig anything below a target ID of 63. Not going to find any gold rings on these settings but I was focused on finding silver coins which has still eluded me at this site.

I originally grew up 20 miles south of Stockton in a town called Mt. Carroll. The area you will be looking in was settled in the 1840s/1850s so there are plenty of old coins around. When I was a kid in the late 1970s to early 1980s I found most coin types going back to the 1850s in the places I hunted with a simple one knob Compass metal detector. Everything from a large cent to walking liberty halves. Somewhere around 1986 I lost interest in metal detecting as things like girls and cars became more interesting. Just getting back into the hobby.

So, you lost ineterest in girls and cars?

I seem to remember just missing when they pulled a lot of the bricks up on Mt. Carroll's streets a few years back. Got a cousin in Hanover, haven't hunted there yet. Found a washed out cache in ARC SP after the '95 floods, small time depression era coinage but all as though it just came out of drawers.

Do you keep up with folks back that way? I'd love to know when they do major sidewalk/street work in some of the towns out there.

Does the F70 have a DD coil available? Let me know when you want to hunt out past Rt. 59 and we'll hook up. I'd like to see the F70 at work!

Being married and the fact that I am still driving my 1995 Ford Explorer, maybe I did lose a little interest. Funny how life comes full circle. Regarding your question, I think I read somewhere you can put the F75 coil on the F70. Would be great to get together some time out your way and would be happy to let you swing the F70. The rest of my summer is pretty busy but maybe this early fall.

I still do have family in the area I grew up in and may go back this weekend for a visit and try the F70 in some old hot spots and some other places I have recently researched that may prove productive.

Gonna be interested in hunting around the east side of Thompson Twp at some of the old mining sites? How much ground is available there?

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