King Solomon's Magic Ring


Dec 29, 2019
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In the book "Testament of Solomon" which is likely to have been written by King Solomon himself, there are two instances where King Solomon used a signet-ring to summon demons and have them locate buried treasure.

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Of the 72 high ranking demons that King Solomon summoned, several specialized in locating buried treasure. It appears that he was making good use of their abilities. He wrote the "Key of Solomon" which is a book of spells and incantations describing how to summon these demons.

"Amy - The 58th spirit is called Amy. He is a great President & appears at first in the form of a flaming fire, after awhile he putteth on the shape of a man &c. His office is to make one wonderfully knowing in astrology & all the liberal sciences. He giveth good familiars & can bewray treasures which are kept by spirits. He governeth 36 legions of spirits."

This seems to indicate that some buried treasures are in fact protected by spirits. A claim which has been repeated by treasure hunters throughout the ages. In the Testament of Solomon, King Solomon asks each demon "Which angel frustrates you?". They all name various angels, but the most powerful demons name only one who frustrates them and they say that one frustrates all of the demons. The one who will be born of a virgin and die on the cross. Jesus Christ.

"We demons ascend into the firmament of heaven, and fly about among the
stars. And we hear the sentences which go forth upon the souls of men, and forthwith we come, and
whether by force of influence, or by fire, or by sword, or by some accident, we veil our act of destruction;
and if a man does not die by some untimely disaster or by violence, then we demons transform ourselves in
such a way as to appear to men and be worshipped in our human nature."

The book describes how a demon spirit is basically behind all forms of suffering which ails man. But they are able to hide themselves, making it appear as if their acts of destruction are a result of some natural process.

NSW bushfires were 'like a demon attacking', Mogo survivor says after evacuating to Batemans Bay

I personally have been attacked by a demon who was guarding a site which had been proven to hold a treasure cache and witnessed all kinds of other spiritual activity first-hand. 100% they are real...

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Who knew?8-)


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I personally have been attacked by a demon who was guarding a site which had been proven to hold a treasure cache and witnessed all kinds of other spiritual activity first-hand. 100% they are real...

So what was the treasure hidden in the cache?

I have a personal relationship with Jesus and I believe the Bible was written by the inspiration an breath of God. The Bible is all true. Demons were in the Bible an their here on earth now. As a Christian we don’t fight flesh an blood but principalities an powers.

The origins of the ring come from a humble Galway fishing village but it is now one of the most recognizable pieces of jewelry in the world as men and women from dozens of nations eagerly look for the ideal ring to suit their status. The Claddagh ring meaning is all about love, loyalty, and friendship. The two hands represent friendship, a heart symbolizes love and the crown on top is for loyalty. The ring can be worn on different fingers or hands, depending on status. Let's take a closer look at this traditional Irish ring:

  • - Two Hands: These are clasped around a heart, the heart hands are a representation of friendship.
  • - Heart: A representation of love.
  • - A Crown: A representation of loyalty/fidelity.


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