kids playgrounds


Full Member
Mar 8, 2005
Sup All went down to the playground thats in our apartment project with my daughter, she played on the slides and i shot coins with my Metal detector, I couldnt walk more than a foot at a time they were so many coins all recent no silver but they were everywhere its like the kids ran thru there throwing hand fulls of money, there were so many i couldnt believe it, now if i could find a spot with silver coins like this id have something hehe, some funny things happened 2x diggin on a coin all the sudden I see a gold ring i grab it and its plastic arrrggg hehe and another time was shooting an old swing set spot thats now gone and found a gold pokiemon card I think its plated with real gold but not solid kid that musta had it beat up one corner you can see the iron inside looks like real gold plating though at 1st glance a gold bar my heart stopped it a lil bigger than a business card and about 10x as thick hehe i thought at 1st it was one of those troy bars, and the best find I think was the silver or pewter tommahawk necklace charm,that was cool cause my nickname tammahawk, gonna clean that one up and wear it, its pretty heavy and real soft so i believe its pewter, and the kids see ya down there they all are curious they love seeing ya find stuff and when they get older they may buy a detector and show some kid the same as they were so the it passes to a new generation, so if you got some kids that wanna find coins go down to the local playground in your apartments there loaded with coins, tammahawk :D

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Great Story Tammahawk. Thats got to be fun with all the little ones just peeking at every little thing. I love the Plastic Gold Ring. Thats always a good laugh later. Give it about a month and recall that story. You will be on the floor laughing. HH

my camera needs batteries when i get some ill post a bunch of stuff,tammahawk

Nice site. Them claddies will add up after just a short time. HH

Sounds like a great site to visit again and again! Any time you can involve the kid(s) is a bonus too!

tammahawk said:
I couldnt walk more than a foot at a time they were so many coins.

Sounds like the playground where I hunt while my kids play on the swings, etc. There are literally so many coins there, that I completely stopped digging zinc pennies, and started digging only copper pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. I, too have not hit any silver, and until the other night, I had even hit any wheats but now I know there has got to be silver there, perhaps even early 1900's silver. Haven't posted anything though, because no real good finds yet. Gonna start going back to some of my older sites, clad is not really my cup of tea, and I need indian heads.


Hey Tam. Good story. Around here, seems like the parks are all cleaned out. Occasionally though, I find one of these "private" playgrounds in the midst of housing developments that all the MD'ers overlooked. It's great to find one that's ripe with coinage. Congrats on the necklace, can't wait to see it~CO2

I see the same thing all the time. Last week i was in the park and a big family was having picnic. While I was digging zinc pennies ..many of them I noticed this little boy very shy imitating me and pretending to bury and find stuff. So when he came close one time I motioned for him to come over and he was hesitant but came closer and I gave him about 12 old dirty zinc pennies.
He was ecstatic went and showed his mom then she gave him a can of pop and brought it over to me.It really made my day!

same thing with me last weekend.he was pretending to dig stuff in a sandy area so i threw down a couple of quarters and kicked the dirt over em and showed him where to dig so he could find em.It was cool to see his rxspression when he found em.


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