Kicked off the beach

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Hello everyone today I had the awful experience of being told to remove my metal detector from the beach I was mding on. Ok heres what happened I was mding on a beach in Marin County called Rodeo beach. It is in the Marin Headlands Golden Gate National Recreation Area .
Basically a maintenance worker for the beach "warned" that I must put up my equipment and he said that "I was lucky it was him telling me and not the rangers because if it were them i would have had mu equip. confiscated". I didnt argue agressively but I asked him where was the sign posted at because I did not see it. He pointed over yonder and said over there. Plus he said the info was posted in the visitor center too. I said ok then I`ll have to go see it, then he took off. .I was looking for that sign too, all over the place. I got to the visitor center and it was cloesed on sat. So I took a pamphlet and saw the maintenance guy again I told him that the center was closed and I could nt find the sign he was telling me about, his answer was a stupid remark saying "It probably fell down"
I just walked away and went to the fire station there and asked if they knew any info about this. He called the rangers and said that they told him that it is prohibited to metal detect on the National Parks land
So I just went home to try and find somewhere else to go next. But it seems that I got my 1st taste of what I had been reading about in the forums..
I always thought beaches were ok. I dont know now. Anyway , thanks for letting me blow off steam here.
PS .. He was telling another on of the reasons they dont like us to md is because of the live ordanance in / under the ground. I dont know sounded like a story to me.

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Tough break, but sounds like you did get lucky!! I live in Texas and have heard that if you are caught detecting on National Parks Land you can lose your equipment. Detecting on Natioanl Parks Land is one of the WORST things to do as a detectorist. Best bet is to always check. I would hate to see any of us lose our gear.

Granted the guy acted like a jerk, but I would have rather him tell me something than a Park Ranger.

Steeler Fan


? ? ? I had the same thing happen to me there. Only, the maintenance worker told me to watch out for the Ranger, that he would ticket me. Didn't want to chance it, so i left. That was 10 or 12 yrs ago. Around the same time, i had been detecting in golden gate park several times, and nobody ever said a word. At the beach, was the first i ever heard of it. Stinson beach is a good place to go. Stay out of the little park at the south end. No detecting allowed in it. The other 2/3's of the beach is ok. Try the cliff house beach too. Because of the old sutro baths and the old amusement park that was there across the highway, i've heard of old coins found on the beach.? ? HH

Just ain't right,,,
You can't dig a little bitty hole in the ground, but they're up there in Alaska dig'n great big holes in the parks for oil...
hmmmm... ::)

rvbvetter said:
? ? ? I had the same thing happen to me there. Only, the maintenance worker told me to watch out for the Ranger, that he would ticket me. Didn't want to chance it, so i left. That was 10 or 12 yrs ago. Around the same time, i had been detecting in golden gate park several times, and nobody ever said a word. At the beach, was the first i ever heard of it. Stinson beach is a good place to go. Stay out of the little park at the south end. No detecting allowed in it. The other 2/3's of the beach is ok. Try the cliff house beach too. Because of the old sutro baths and the old amusement park that was there across the highway, i've heard of old coins found on the beach.? ? HH

Thanks alot for the tips on the other beaches I can go to rvbvetter. I guess those others Stinson and the cliff house are state beaches then right?
They sure do sound good.
And I learned the lesson today about Rodeo beach thats for sure.
Thanks every one else too for your input.

You all have fun and HH. ;)

As far as i know their just state. But be careful, even some state parks don't allow detecting.
Like the one at the south end of stinson beach. I haven't detected either place for 10 yrs.
But pretty sure their still the same. I now live in contra costa county; east bay.
And just getting back into detecting. Thats why i haven't been there in a while.
If there's any info you need or anything i can help you with, just PM me through the forum here.
I'll share all of my vast knowledge with you. That'll take at least, every bit of 10 seconds.
Maybe we'll go detecting sometime. HH

Ok thanks and theres also Alameda beach too I went out there today and got tons of trash and some coins but nothing rare. Got plenty of
and sunshine , so good deal and HH to you too.

It is a shame that laws are passed to keep public off public land .Your money pays a ranger , that makes him your employee , then he makes the rules . I cannot understand what harm a mder can cause .

knuckles; What you find on Alameda beach is new dropped. It's shallow too far out, to be able to generate enough wave to wash anything ashore. Did you go by the oid Alameda park? Use to be some oldies come out of there. I dug a 1900 V nickel and some wheats out of there. Been heavily hunted though. You might want to ask first. If anybodys there. They were a little touchy about detectors back then. HH

Stoney 56 you are correct ! What was going through my mind was the many parks , etc employes that don`t know rules, so to protect themselves they say no . Have you read the posts on the govt and archies < attempted grab > in alabama ?

rvbvetter said:
? ?knuckles;? What you find on Alameda beach is new dropped. It's shallow too far out, to be able to generate enough wave to wash anything ashore. Did you go by the oid Alameda park? Use to be some oldies come out of there. I dug a 1900 V nickel and some wheats out of there. Been heavily hunted though. You might want to ask first. If anybodys there. They were a little touchy about detectors back then.? ? ? ? HH

No but its good advice though, maybe i`ll check out the park.


Thanx for pointing out that those who enforce the regulations, do not make the regulations.? I know of at least one park ranger that encourages responsible (non-resource damaging, recrational) metal detecting at every opportunity? ;)


rvbvetter said:
? ? ? I had the same thing happen to me there. Only, the maintenance worker told me to watch out for the Ranger, that he would ticket me. Didn't want to chance it, so i left. That was 10 or 12 yrs ago. Around the same time, i had been detecting in golden gate park several times, and nobody ever said a word. At the beach, was the first i ever heard of it. Stinson beach is a good place to go. Stay out of the little park at the south end. No detecting allowed in it. The other 2/3's of the beach is ok. Try the cliff house beach too. Because of the old sutro baths and the old amusement park that was there across the highway, i've heard of old coins found on the beach.? ? HH

I was looking into the cliff house beach and it appears tom be located on national parks land too. I am not sure though. I would like to md there.

It's been so long since i detected there its possible things have changed. Haven't heard of anything though. Hunted there numerous times back when and seen others as well. I think golden gate park might be off limits now, but i think the beach would still be okay. But for your peace of mind, i would suggest calling the state parks line. They would have the who's or what's info on it.
If its off limits, that would be a real shame. I feel their really over regulating many things now days. This being one of them. We're allowed to pay for them but not allowed to use them.

Sorry, don't mean to carry on. Good luck on it. Find a gold coin. HH

I had a friend detecting for metors. He was by metor crator. He thought he was far enough away to be safe. Yep, you guessed it he was wrong. Not just the metal detector, but the truck and the gun that was in it. I don't know if it was ever resolved. consider yourself lucky. I was detect in a ninja suit and night goggles :)

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