well beans, yes, it can be frustrating to float a question, and get no replies (while another seemingly similar question, or crazy silly topic, can get multiple replies and input). Consider that maybe there are just not that many Kansas City park md'r who lurk and read on this particular forum. I can think of big cities, where ......... sure there might be a few people in those towns who "make sport" of their particular parks. But if you were to ask them about treasure-net, perhaps they're just not people with computers, or people who don't read forums, or people who just aren't into the web, etc.... So you can't assume that for any given city in the USA (even big ones) that there are necessarily persons in those locales, waiting and reading to jump on a post about their locale.
If I were going to a city I'd never been to, and wanted to deduce the older parts of town, you can do it simply by this: Bring up a map of the city (google maps or whatever), and you can just tell by the lay-out of the streets, which are the older parts of towns. And you can also bring down the man-on-the-street view of the google maps, and point the camera in different ways, to aim at surrounding buildings, houses, etc.... From those fixtures, if you're decent at dating houses and structures, you can therefore deduce approx. ages of the parks they're next to. And if you want to get *real* technical, you can even go to zillo or realtor.com, etc... and see the dates of when houses were built (as those are things on real estate record transactions, property parcels, etc....). And it's safe to assume that houses next to parks were/are approx. ages of when those parts of town expanded out to.