Silver Member
Sep 9, 2012
Nebraska City, Nebraska
Primary Interest:
ewrena cross.jpg

This is a drawing of a lead cross with a Knights of the Golden Circle code on it that we can't seem to break. Please help if you can. I am sure it is crucial to the trail we are on.
All input is appreciated,L.C. BAKER

I'm guessing you would need a key

Dig until your arm falls off

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Get in touch with Bob Brewer.He lives in south western Arkansas....He is a big KGC guy.

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I would love to get Mr. Brewer's opinion about a lot of K.G.C. things we have unearthed. The map we are trying to decode is very difficult to figure out. If you read this Bob, please get in touch with me. L.C. BAKER :notworthy:

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I think I cracked it!

It says: "Even though we were fabulously rich we weren't especially bright and so cleverly hid lots of loot but then left signs so that some stranger could come grab it; but eventually realizing that didn't make sense we went back and spent the money on wine, women and song since it was doing no good in the ground and left this lead cross once the gold ran out to tease furure folks."

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There have been MANY times that i thought that very thing, but then we find the next cross or marker with the next direction and distance. At this point we have discovered too much to believe that for a second. These men owned gold mines, and lived through the time of the panic of 1857. The last thing they wanted to do is turn their gold into Union greenbacks. If they couldn't coin their own gold then they would bury it for future generations. It won't be a stranger that finds the cache, by the time you study and read enough books and history to crack the codes you are as good as initiated into the K.G.C.

Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

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<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=833420"/>

This is a drawing of a lead cross with a Knights of the Golden Circle code on it that we can't seem to break. Please help if you can. I am sure it is crucial to the trail we are on.
All input is appreciated,L.C. BAKER

Hey Baker figured I shed some light on this posting

Ewerena = King / Ruler / Head Man. Its a Biblical Literacy Term.
Hope that helps id research future. But if I do I will ill private message you :)

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I feel that there are far too many E's in this code for them to mean E, if you know what I mean. A ewer is also a vase of some sort. It just doesn't feel like real words. More time is needed on this piece to figure it out. I have tried to use the main decoded cipher on it but nothing seems to fit. The three digit numbers exceed the code limitations too, as it has less than 300 digits.
. Maybe some day I will figure it out, until then :BangHead: L.C. Baker

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At this point it started with symbols and went to Morris and then to navigation and then to more symbols and more navigation and then to that cross. It just wouldn't seem to me that they would use an actual word at this point but it is food for thought none the less. Thank you for the suggestion, I will keep it in the back of my head while I am ciphering as an option of intended use.
Thanks L.C. Baker

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Look into Poor christian knights codes. The older order of kgc. Maybe they adopted some codes.

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Knights of the Golden Circle treasure maps must be considered in the light of what is unusual on them. Look to see if any letters or words are out of what the context would indicate. For instance, suppose the Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map were written in Spanish. If the entire documentation were recorded in Spanish and signed by one Sven Johnson something is out of place! You must examine closely the name that is out of place. Perhaps begin by assigning a numerical value to each letter within the name. This was a common practice within many cultures. So let’s examine that Swedish-American name in the light of what we have just said.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

Sven Johnson S=19 v=22 e=5 n=14 for a total of 60 J=10 o=15 h=8 n=14 s=19 o=15 n=14 for a total of 95

Now what do we do with this information? This is where trial and error comes in. We may have a distance or a compass degree bearing. This is where the context must be discovered. We may have to add the two sums for 145. We may have to subtract the smaller sum from the larger for a total of 35. We may have a combination of an angle and a distance. Check every possible combination.

This example has been fabricated as an illustration. The point is you must examine that which does not fit the context. I can not drive home enough the importance of the context.

Another example would be a Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map with a short statement on it. Look carefully! You may see a single letter repeated several times but sometimes it is written forward and other times that same letter may be reversed. This can be a reversal, this could be a deletion or what have you according to context.

The Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map is usually written in stone or carved in a tree, literally with no traditional map ever made at all. It is important to NOT move any stones or trees untill the Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map has been decoded. If you suspect that the signs or symbols you have found are Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map signs or symbols.

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"The Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map is usually written in stone or carved in a tree, literally with no traditional map ever made at all. It is important to NOT move any stones or trees untill the Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map has been decoded. If you suspect that the signs or symbols you have found are Knights of the Golden Circle treasure map signs or symbols."
The process is long and tedious, but we have it decoded. the Numbers turn to letters and give instruction. However it just makes single letter symbols with hidden meanings on the lead map. Like " H " and "L"

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Hey Baker, I have a tree with the letter 'H' carved on it at about 7 feet from the ground - the H has an extended cross bar on it pointing to another tree about 13 paces from it... On that other tree is a carving that looks like an owls head.... which I understand is significant. I live 30 miles east of Austin, Texas. will try to attach a couple of pics... if this don't work, my email address is [email protected] if you have info. I am thinking KGC symbols may apply here or that is what I was told... Thanks in advance HughS.

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netcynergy, is that a rock the tree is growing over in the last img, will you say what dir the symbols
are carved on. see my avi, there are letters and a symbol, on the right east backside of the tree,
and a stump of a tree about 25' away to the south that has a rock in it to

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The "H" is plain to see. how old is the structure the tree is beside? The others look to me like damage of some kind, I am not seeing an owl. What are the other symbols you have? carved on your avi? and what is it's proximity to the 'H'?


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View attachment 833420

This is a drawing of a lead cross with a Knights of the Golden Circle code on it that we can't seem to break. Please help if you can. I am sure it is crucial to the trail we are on.
All input is appreciated,L.C. BAKER

Message from B.L.F. (Brother of Lasting Faith)... MORE info on CASTLES (notice "Christian" Cross) ie. CASTLES; locations ciphers. MORE to come.

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Reviewing REST of Cross, now; appears to be a "directional cross". There was a Copperhead Lodge in Hinkletown, Iowa; against the Yanks, they have re-enactments... MAYBE they can "help". Ask about the ORDER OF THE STAR.

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As the trail has gone, from the point you dig up a clue you are led from that point by a coded heading and distance to the next site. This was located at the next to the last site by luck and a detector not how it was intended by design to be located. There is a possibility of un-located portions yet to be discovered at that site. However, there have been two or three at each place and two have been located and recovered there already.


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