Just becuase Marking Halfs is totaly pointless PICS!


Hero Member
Aug 29, 2007
Fort Collins, Colorado
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I just follow my nose!...where the silver and gold goes!
Minelab 5000, Goldmaster, and a few others
XRF spectrometer, Common sense.
Primary Interest:
Ok, so I just wanted to say that what good does marking the halfs do for anyone?
Every time I go somewhere and they are all, Oh they have been searched, I keep pulling out 40's 90's and even walkers proofs etc.

When I go to a bank and they are like "yeah we have $630 in halfs, there are a bunch of searched and then the customers who bring in unsearched and it all gets added too the pile, Using a bank that does not move them as a dump makes no sence as some other roll hunter is gonna get them and what people have brought in.

It makes more sense to just dump at a bank that moves volume so they get sent back to the fed and rerolled. Then you have better chances of getting whats new and not avoiding a dump.

And because new coins are always being added in. passing up your own marked coins is foolish.
I just went though $4000 in heavily marked halves and ended up pulling a bunch of somebody's collection of silver out. I took a few pics to show as I opened the rolls, Notice all the marked coins and the silver sitting right next too them.
A couple generations are out there and enough people who have no idea there are silver coins in circulation still that spending that coin collection dad has or taking them to a bank cause the kids need money or those who just dont know any better are always going to be put back into the mix. I was in shock when I started this when asking for halves and having young tellers just piling up silver right there and giving them at face and paying no heed to what was there...they just dont know. So it seems that coin roll hunting is a thing that can go on for ever. So whats the point of marking besides knowing you got your junk back? witch odds are inevitable.


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I agree with you 1000%. I have never marked coins, and never will. I live in a large metroplex area, and when I spend or turn in rejects, then they will eventually make it back to the hopper of whoever rolls them. When I then get a box I may get a few of my rejects, but will also get many I have not gone thru, so it seems to me to be pointless to mark them.

I've marked the actual rolls before to make sure I don't get "my" rolls back. Other than that, I haven't marked actual coins. I live in a major metropolitan area, so I have literally hundreds of banks to choose from. I've been taking a break again, but I think it's about time to order a box or two.

I've never marked halves, and marking rolls seems like a waste since wrappers are too easily thrown away by other hunters.

As stated, the rolls I marked was to make sure that I (as in me) didn't receive them back from that same bank a week or two later.

I have marked every half I have ever returned. Just a simple permanent marker stripe on the edge of each coin. Takes 3 seconds to do two rolls when they are lined up flush in a little jig I made.

I never get halves from my local dump banks and never dump in my source banks. I am basically a bean counter. When I start getting high quantities of my own coins back then it is time for me to get another source bank. Right now I average 5-10% of my coins as looked at before. I can live with that. One or two members were getting 90% or more of my coins in their boxes.

I just like to know that I am not looking at my same coins over and over. Most rolls that have silver also have marked coins. I know the other hunter did not miss them. They were added as the marked coins were put in the big hopper.

diggummup said:
As stated, the rolls I marked was to make sure that I (as in me) didn't receive them back from that same bank a week or two later.

Diggum, you mean you pick up rolls from the same bank you dump?

diggummup said:
As stated, the rolls I marked was to make sure that I (as in me) didn't receive them back from that same bank a week or two later.
I do the same. Mark loose rolls I take back. I don't mark coins. I have gotton fooled a few times and gotten some of my own marked rolls back. 3 straight lines with a felt tip.

Like CyberDan was saying, marking some of my coins insures that I know for sure when I start getting a large portion of my coins back. When that happens, you can determine how long and how many coins it takes to cycle through until you get the same ones over. It doesn't take a lot of time but I think the knowledge you gain is worth it.

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