Just back from my first hunt!


May 6, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
Well, I'm just back from my very first hunt. I guess it was fairly successful, being that I am a complete novice and all...

I live a block away from the local junior high so I went there to check out their volleyball courts and softball diamonds. I am using an ACE 250 and the manual says start with soft sandy ground to get used to digging holes. I'm fairly certain that this location has been hunted frequently before---all that lovely nice sand and not a SINGLE target. The only thing I found there was the top of an old rusty aluminum can while I was walking between courts. I happened to have my coil to the ground and it went off! Beginner's luck I guess. I even broke the cheapo digging tool that Kellyco sent me with my ACE digging the thing! What an auspicious start.

So, after that it was off to Home Depot for a decent trowel. After buying one I went to another park nearby with a playground. It was covered with woodchips so I figured that would be a good place to practice my digging techniques. As soon as I put my coil down I got a strong signal! I am going to need a lot of practice with digging the right holes, etc. but this one was easy! I found a kid's toy train car about 1" down. Nice! That explained why the target seemed huge when I tried to pinpoint it... It was coming up as a dime on my display and that was a little confusing!

After searching around the bench for a bit (parents drop change while watching their kids, right?) I tried the swings. Bam! Found a nice clad dime. 2000 D, my very first coin find. I think I'll frame it. ;D I then found a few clad pennies and an old pop tab. That was about it, but I'm excited that I didn't come up completely empty my first go-round!

I'd post pics but they really aren't that exciting... haha I think my neighborhood is too new to find any decent old stuff. Going to have to hit the library to find some area history to sink my teeth into...

Adam (excited newbie)

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Congrats on the great start, Adam and welcome to a never ending addiction! It looks like you already are starting to get a feel for the little yeller feller, he will serve you well. Keep hitting those schools; it's a never ending source no matter how well searched. I hit my kids' elementary school regularly, and still find plenty of stuff even after the two ladies with the White's IDXs get through. Look for those dug up sidewalks for some older stuff, and of course the parks and rec areas for a variety.

Welcome to the club and keep that coil to the ground.


I've done worse.Sounds liked your hooked already.This is a good thing.Practice,practice,practice! esearch,research,research! ;) good luck and H.H.-diggummup

Good deal!

welcome, and HH


Welcome to the wonderful world of metal detecting. You have a good machine, I currently swing an ACE 250 as well. I would love to see that "rusty aluminum can" LOL

Adam welcome to the forum and to a great hobby ! I hear that the 250 is a real good machine. So it looks like you're off to a good start. This forum is a good place to learn a lot about detecting. Good Luck and Happy Hunting !

Huntin' 59er

The first of many finds I'm sure............Those clads add up quick.................use those clads to pay for metal detecting supplies.......one suggestion I would offer is to invest in a good digging tool, from any of the companies that deal in metal detecting supplies.........You'll brake and bend many of those cheap diggin tools, so many in fact that it'll be cheaper for you in the long run to have invested in a good quality one right off the bat........great work for your first time out. keep it up the diggin.........

Welcome to the forum, your off and running!!!

Welcome to the forum. Your off to a good start. Pretty soon you'll be pulling up the old ones.

I was in Minneapolis last week on business. Of course I brought my detector. You've got some great old area to detect around you. I was a little disappointed at first, not finding much in a few parks and schools I went to but then things picked up later in the week.
There was a park on the south side of Medicine Lake in New Hope that appeared to be untouched (dug around $1.00 in 10 min). It's right at the end of? Peninsula Rd, bring bug spray!!? There's an old abandoned farm house on the corner of Broadway and 93rd near Brooklyn Park (dug 2 clad quarters there, only spent maybe 5 min before it started raining)). There was another small park that was pretty good , however I don't remember exactly where I was, near Brooklyn Park (maybe Schilling Park on 73rd Ave). It's in the middle of a subdivision and there is Frisbee golf there. These are just a few places I found productive after only spending a week in your town, imagine what you will find!! By the way at Medicine Lake there is a beach on the SW side that will probably be a good spot also. Good Luck and HH

Congrats! I know that first find gets your blood flowing! If you want a fairly nice little digging tool check out the "U-Dig-It". It's a folding stainless steel trowel that comes with a belt sheath. Pretty sturdy tool. About $16 but worth every penny.

wow, i need to get one of those u-dig-its. im walking around out there like I am going to plant a potato farm. Glad that you are hunting, and I look forward to your posts. Brad

Thanks for the advice, everybody! Baddog, I'm definitely going to check out those sites you mentioned. I'm in St. Louis Park not far at all from New Hope (or No Hope as we call it, haha). Thanks a lot for the heads-up!


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